
该Paris Agreement: What's in this historic deal

Today marks an historic turning point in global action on climate change. At theU.N.巴黎的气候会议, known as COP21, 196 countries joined together in theParis Agreement (PDF)一个通用的协议,集世界上一门课程to a zero-carbon, resilient, prosperous and fair future.

While the agreement is not enough by itself to solve the problem, it places us clearly on the path to a truly global solution.

Building on the foundation of national climate plans from 187 countries, the Paris Agreement is a reflection of the remarkable momentum from cities, companies, civil society groups and others that complement the global will to act that has grown over the years since the first international conference on climate change in 1992.

该Paris Agreement will maintain and accelerate that momentum. It offers clear direction with:

  • 长期目标和信号;
  • 承诺定期回归,使气候行动更强;
  • a response to the impact of extreme climate events on the most vulnerable;
  • 确保采取行动所需的透明度;和
  • 财务,能力建设和技术能够实现真实变革。

But the agreement does even more: It marks a new type of international cooperation where developed and developing countries are united in a common framework, and all are involved, engaged contributors. It reflects the growing recognition that climate action offers tremendous opportunities and benefits, and that climate impacts can be tackled effectively, with the unity of purpose that has brought us to this moment.

巴黎的那一刻远远超出了协议本身。城市和森林,企业和金融 - 所有这些都是在过去两周内发动或加强的许多举措和承诺的一部分。随着行动向前发展,他们将成为解决方案的关键。



该Paris Agreement sets landmark goals for taking action on climate change, aiming to keep temperature rise to well below 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F) and to pursue efforts to keep it to limit temperature increase to 1.5 C (2.7 F).

To achieve this, countries will aim to peak global emissions as soon as possible and — remarkably — countries agreed to reduce emissions rapidly to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the second half of the century. They will do that taking equity, sustainable development and poverty into account.

Five-year cycles of action

To build on the momentum from countries’ national climate plans put forward for Paris, countries have agreed to a process to ramp up action on emissions every five years. By 2020, countries have agreed to come back and either submit new or updated national climate plans (known as nationally determined contributions).

Every five years after that, countries will submit new contributions. Countries also have agreed that their mitigation plans will represent a progression beyond their previous efforts.

Five-year comprehensive global stocktake


Assessment will start in 2023, but countries have agreed to return in 2018 to review implementation of mitigation measures to inform their 2020 mitigation contributions.


适应气候变化是一个中心议题for global climate action in this agreement, where it is on par with mitigation. It establishes a global goal of enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability, including an adequate adaptation response given the agreement’s temperature goal.

该agreement creates a cycle of action for strengthening adaptation efforts regularly, similar to the mitigation cycle. Countries will have flexibility on the timing and methods for communicating information about their adaptation activities or efforts. Support will be provided to developing countries for planning, implementation and communication of adaptation activities.

Loss and damage

该agreement addresses the important issue of loss and damage, referring to the serious impacts of climate change when mitigation and adaptation fail. Those people who are affected by climate change may face damage to their property or health, or in worse cases, permanent loss of land or livelihoods, or even loss of life.

该agreement acknowledges the issue of loss and damage as separate from adaptation, and makes permanent the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) on Loss and Damage, established two years ago to find ways to address these issues. The outcome also establishes a task force on climate change-related displacement within the WIM, and makes clear that the loss and damage provision does not create new legal liability for emitting countries.


财务将提供所需的权力,使世界转向零碳,气候壮丽的未来,以及协议的宗旨,指出所有金融流动 - 都有公共和私人 - 需要从高排放活动转移到低排放活动和风险适应投资。该协议明确表示,发达国家将继续提供和动员金融,以支持发展中国家,发达国家同意继续2020年每年调动1000亿美元的承诺,直到2025年。

For the period after that, governments will adopt a new, higher, collective goal, although the extent to which finance will increase, and who will mobilize it, is a significant outstanding question. The agreement opens the door for developing countries to provide support to their peers, recognizing that some developing countries already are doing so.




该framework provides flexibility and support that takes account of different countries’ capacities. Developed countries will report on the finance and support they provide, and developing countries will report on the finance and support needed and received.


For the new international climate agreement to be universal, countries acknowledged that effective capacity building is vital to enable developing countries to take strong climate action. To elevate this issue, countries established the new Paris Committee on Capacity Building to oversee a work plan to enhance capacity building. The committee will identify capacity gaps and needs, foster international cooperation and identify opportunities to strengthen capacity for climate action.

Legal form

该Paris Agreement is a universal, legal agreement under the UNFCCC, with the participation of all countries. It will be open for signature in April, and will come into force in January 2020. Notably, the agreement contains a strong, legally binding framework for reporting, transparency and review of implementation capable of driving greater ambition to tackle climate change. The establishment of a mechanism to facilitate implementation and promote compliance will provide further assurance of parties’ actions.

Climate conference highlights

COP21的结果满足了开放日的承诺,当时超过150个国家和政府融合在巴黎表达他们的承诺to climate action and a viable agreement. On the same day, 20 countries and 27 representatives from the private sector announced a multi-billion dollar clean energy fund and commitment to increase R&D investments, amajor boost to the talks。这设定了阶段,以便在广泛的地区的气候行动方面取得更多进展。

Forests and restoration

Opening day, Nov. 30, also saw重大政府承诺to protect forests, including $5 billion in funding from Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom.Global Forest Watch Climate在会议期间推出的,在会议期间推出,潜力能够改变关于监测基于森林排放的争论。该African Forest and Landscapes Restoration Initiative(AFR100) seeks to restore nearly 250 million acres of degraded and deforested land in Africa by 2030.倡议20X20.是拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的景观恢复努力,已达到近7000万英亩,投资7.3亿美元。


Building efficiency, sustainable mobility and interactive tools were among the city-level solutions advanced to prevent carbon-intensive congestion, sprawl and inefficiencies from locking in for decades to come. WRI宣布了25个新合作伙伴to theBuilding Efficiency Accelerator作为其中的一部分联合国。SE4All initiative和presented the New Climate Economy message of better transport, better climate.

A coalition including WRI advanced theParis Process on Mobility and Climateto position mitigation and adaptation contributions from transport sector. Along with UK DECC, WRIdemonstratedthe2050全球计算器, an interactive model — WRI contributed the transport section — that allows users to explore 2 C pathways. Looking ahead, the U.N. announced theClimate Action 2016会议加深和扩大六个焦点领域的行动 - 与城市和运输being key.


More than 114 companies committed to set emissions reduction targets in line with基于科学目标, using what scientists say is necessary to keep global warming below 2 C. Participating companies have combined annual carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to what 125 coal-fired power plants emit in a year.

高盛announced plans to invest $150 billion in clean energy projects and technology. The investment bank previously had a target to invest $40 billion in clean energy technologies by 2012, and almost will quadruple that by 2025.Googleadded 842 megawatts of renewable energy capacity around the world, nearly doubling the amount of renewables it has purchased to 2 gigawatts, equivalent to taking nearly 1 million cars off the road.


Institutional investors and banks signaled their plans to build climate change considerations into their decisions.Allianz和ABP正式加入了投资组合碳倡议(PDF),将联盟资产的价值达到6000亿美元。Five Principles for Mainstreaming Climate Action within FinancialInstitutions还推出了两名以上的金融机构,表明其意图将气候变化纳入战略和运营。

An alliance of global investors, development banks, financial sector associations and NGOs launched theGreen Infrastructure Investment Coalition通过投资者 - 政府的全球和区域对话支持加速对绿色基础设施的融资,27个全球投资者发布了Paris Green Bonds Statementto support policies that drive the development of long term, sustainable global markets in green bonds.

This story first appeared on:

World Resources Institute blog

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