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该行业失去了对其社会叙事的控制。In this context, a narrative is the dominant story that a sector of society (a government agency, an industry) communicates about its value to its principal stakeholders and society in general. Following decades of public opinion research, the oil and gas industry has long recognized that it was unpopular with large segments of the public, but its societal narrative was constructed around its financial stability and rewards, its ability to manage technological complexity and its ability to consistently provide products that met a continuing social need for mobility, economic development and prosperity.

Oil and gas companies simply are no longer an attractive investment.



According to Goldman Sachs, the cost of capital for long-term petroleum investments is about 20 percent, whereas renewables’ projects can be funded at a capital cost of 3 to 5 percent. This factor, more than a commitment to mitigating climate change, helps explain why so many financial institutions are withdrawing their support for high-cost, long-term petroleum exploration in the Arctic and other regions.

Large, integrated petroleum companies are forced to shrink their budgets, staffs and assets. ExxonMobil announced Nov. 30 it would write off up to $20 billion of assets in the fourth quarter of this year, reduce capital expenditures to between $16 billion and $19 billion next year from a projected $30 billion to $35 billion, and continue with a workforce reduction of 14,000, or 15 percent. BP, a smaller company, is on a similar trajectory, with proposed asset write-offs of $17.5 billion of its oil and gas holdings and staff reductions of 10,000, or 15 percent of its workforce. Business decisions at Chevron, Royal Dutch/Shell (where several very senior executives responsible for clean energy recently resigned over a dispute on company strategy) and Total follow a similar pathway.



Market transformations move away from fossil fuels.石油和天然气公司高管充分认识到这种转变正在进行中,但相信他们将以逐步和有条不紊地进行。他们受到国际能源机构统计数据,即去年消耗的80%的能源因煤炭,天然气和石油生产而消耗。

Offsetting this comfort zone are far more disruptive developments. Goldman Sachs has forecast that, over the next decade, there will be $16 trillion in investments to decarbonize the global economy in renewables, electricity grid infrastructure, carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen.

2011年11月23日公告说,它不再支持特朗普政府努力为加利福尼亚提供自己的排放和燃油效率规则,将其与福特,本田和大众逐步淘汰汽油和柴油动力车辆和卡车。GM plans to convert to an all-electric future with commitments to introduce 30 new global electric vehicles by 2025. Simultaneously, and for the first time, solar and wind comprised most of the world’s new power generation, or about two-thirds of new electricity capacity installation.


风暴中的车手:这次思考是在八月的八月的首席执行官Mike Wirth表示,评论德克萨斯州石油和天然气协会。全球对清洁能源的需求“并不意味着石油和天然气的结束,”他劝告他的同事。“我们将找到制造石油和天然气更有效的方法,更环境良好......它将成为混合的一部分。”换句话说,通过收紧其皮带,行业可以乘以当前价格较低的经济挑战和抑郁的需求,因为它在以前的许多场合,同时使得留在业务所需的增量技术调整。


Another bridge repositions hydrocarbons for chemicals manufacturing, a strategy that is enjoying a boom in the form of petrochemicals investment in China, the Middle East and western companies for converting cheap supplies of both oil and gas into downstream chemical products, especially those that can be converted into plastics and other high-demand products.


商业模式混乱:最积极的支持行业远离其传统的石油和天然气商业模式是BP的首席执行官伯纳德·鲁尼。经过一段时间的职位,他于2月份宣布,该公司将其石油和天然气产量缩小40%,投资海上风电和太阳能电池和电池储存,并考虑在其7,000人中安装电动汽车充电站U.S. gasoline stations — all aimed at making BP net-zero for carbon emissions by 2050.

Looney的三管齐下的消息传递 - 重新推崇能源,重新发明BP和转换时进行 - 旨在将BP转换为亚马逊或微软的能源,其中“我们是世界上少数公司实际上可以解决大型复杂问题的公司之一”。




Economist Mariana Mazzucato’s 2013 treatise, "创业状态“借助国外融资的资本主义,借鉴了神话的眼罩。在审查第二次世界大战后的创新历史中,她得出结论,”采取最大胆的风险并实现最大的突破的实体不是私营部门;这是巨大的州。“



One can debate past dawn if the $2 trillion Biden clean energy plan is sufficient to achieve the objectives of the 2015 Paris Climate Accord (or if the U.S. Congress will even enact it); whether the lack of transparency surrounding China’s net-zero 2060 pledge compromises its credibility; and if the European Union’s moonshot 1 trillion euro Green New Deal initiative can be implemented across 27 sovereign nations.


石油和天然气行业可以 - 私营部门或国有企业 - 在这种新集体现实中适应和生存吗?

答案是肯定的,但。它将尝试延迟some regulatory controls on its operations and products; further streamline staff and refocus or write-off assets; develop technologies to improve operating efficiencies and reduce its carbon footprint; contribute to innovations in carbon capture and storage; seek subsidies and other rents; advance hydrogen or other technologies to market scale where it maintains competencies; and continue to advance prosperity in developing nations that lack sufficient knowledge and capital to be in the forefront of a decarbonized world for the next generation, or longer.

Oil and gas are not going to disappear. However, it is unlikely to keep the high dividend checks flowing to shareholders as alternatives to fossil fuels emerge at scale to provide society with different energy solutions. Like the Ottoman Empire, the industry can persevere for an extended period and recede alongside the controversies that currently engulf it.

