


But the stark reality is that the world needs thousands more companies of all sizes and across all industries to do the same, according to the increasingly grim data on the warming planet.


而作为瑞典的火把葛丽泰·桑伯格和几百万中小学生的日益频繁地催促,大人 - 特别是民选官员和那些在公司权力的位置 - 应该是他们的不作为追究责任。

John Kerry, Climate Week
"It is up to us in positions of responsibility to act with greater speed than we are now," former Secretary of State John Kerry, the lead U.S. negotiator on the Paris Agreement, told assembled business and government leaders during the opening ceremony of Climate Week in New York. "We need to aggregate our efforts like never before, recognizing that the business community can lead like no other."

欢迎来到 ”World War Zero," as Kerry has branded a new campaign — to be launched more formally in coming weeks — that unites grassroots activities with influential, international leaders including Kerry, former Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy and former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz. The aim is simple: identify obstructionists who are holding up progress, and make those names known loud and clear.

"We need to create political accountability," Kerry said. "We are building an army of experts from the United States and abroad. We will isolate those who don’t support [action]."

(Some) companies do their part

Against the snarl of United Nations traffic and protesting climate activists young and not-so-young, Kerry’s words underscored the frustration many familiar marshals of the corporate climate offensive often express privately. It also gave them more ammunition to fuel their own offensives in what will be a long-fought war.

Leading the advance were close to 90 companies that have stepped forward in collaboration with the U.N. Global Compact to pledge science-based targets for holding rising global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius and that will position their operations — including their supply chains, a far more complicated proposition — to become net-zero by 2050. Essentially, their aim is to beat the mandate of the Paris Agreement, because national governments are falling down on the job.

宣布是一部分推出了夏天运动。许多企业已经有他们通过基于科学目标的倡议(SBTI),包括熟悉的名字,如惠普的企业,Intuit公司,李维斯,SAP,施耐德电气,索迪斯和联合利华批准了雄心勃勃的目标。但是,实际上,它会采取的成千上万家企业的共同努力下,特别是那些在行业已经缓慢采取行动 - 航空,船舶,矿山,工业过程,当然,石油和天然气公司 - 做一个有意义的影响。

"Warming beyond 1.5C is a calamity we simply must not risk," Andrew Steer, an SBTi board member and CEO of the World Resources Institute, said in a statement. "Science-based targets provide a blueprint for companies to make a clear contribution to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement, but we need all hands on deck. There is not a moment to lose."

虽然它没有明确在联合国新闻稿命名,Microsoft stepped forwardlast week with a 1.5 Celsius commitment, announcing a new SBTi-certified target to cut the emissions associated with its supply chain by at least 30 percent by 2030.

It’s also talking up carbon-neutral products, starting with a pilot centering on 825,000 of its popular Xbox consoles. For now, at least, the validation for those claims will come through purchases of renewable energy certificates (RECs) and carbon offsets, said Microsoft Chief Environmental Officer Lucas Joppa.

SDG block


Another date on the minds of world and business leaders this week was 2030, the year by which the United Nations hopes to announce victory on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),它鼓励全球转向一个更具包容性,繁荣和可持续发展的世界17个优先重点框架。到目前为止,虽然,进展一直很糟糕,根据气候周期间发布的报告乱舞。

An目前指数issued by Social Progress Imperative suggests that if action continues on the current pace, the world won’t meet all of the SDGs until 2073. The country making the most significant progress is Norway and the best-performing G7 nation was Germany, followed by Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom and France. (The United States slipped to No. 15 overall this year.)

Astudy of 1,000 CEOsby Accenture and the U.N. Global Compact revealed that just 21 percent of them believe that businesses are playing a "critical role" in contributing to the SDGs, although almost three-quarters believe there’s still time to mobilize. To be clear, the surveyed CEOs were all from companies that are members of the Global Compact.

Jessica Long, managing director of strategy and sustainability for Accenture, said she was somewhat surprised about how much the CEOs wanted to talk about what she described as responsible leadership. "For CEOs to say we need to focus our economic systems on equitable growth was really different," Long said.

The biggest obstacle to doing so, however, was "political durability," she said. There are many regions, including India, the United States and China, in which policy uncertainty is reducing or installing the corporate world’s ability to embrace long-term strategies.

Any business connected to a location in another part of the world should be thinking seriously and deeply about the SDGs, and more organizations are beginning to consider them more strategic — although primarily as a risk assessment exercise, noted Mekala Krishnan, senior fellow at the McKinsey Global Institute.



"It gives us targets that are bigger than our own," Wright said, while adding that one challenge has been to decide what information to collect and disclose about non-financial actions.

丹麦公司诺维信,这成为first company to align its entire company with the SDGsback in 2015 and was a founding corporate member of the U.N. Global Compact, purposely chose to concentrate on opportunities-related goals where it could make a demonstrable, positive impact — such as zero hunger, quality education, clean sanitation and water, affordable and clean energy, climate action and partnerships — and to consciously avoid doing harm everywhere else, Novozymes CEO Peder Holk Nielsen told GreenBiz.

"We have the general philosophy that companies are not just here to make returns to their owners but also to create value for society and human beings in general," he said. "It has never been hard for us to see whether helping societies and human beings is something we can use to drive our business."




Indeed, if there’s one SDG that every business needs to support, it’s No. 17, Partnerships for the Goals, a theme that was the subject of a深思熟虑的分析在艾伦·皮尔斯,一个社会创业顾问,教育家来自哥伦比亚的秋天2018。这是我们的目标是地址的资金,技术,能力建设,贸易问题和需要水到渠成的其他目标真的能够实现之前的系统性经济问题。

It’s also the goal that will turn competitors into frenemies, and that reminds us that we need to ensure that all players are included in the dialogues and solutions.

这并不容易。微软前几天上周宣布其更加积极的气候行动战略,company revealeda collaboration with Chevron and Schlumberger to develop software aimed at accelerating petrochemical exploration. That disclosure灵感来自微软员工的一封信关心“数百万美元”的业务,该公司的软件导出化石燃料的公司。他们希望微软和竞争对手谷歌和亚马逊对于这个问题,从该业务走开。

When asked for comment, Joppa said isolating entire industries isn’t the answer during what will be a complicated journey.

“2019至2050年的路径将是一个有趣而曲折的,”他说,“我认为,当我们到达那里,一些将在过渡都起到了革命性作用的企业会像微软这样的公司。But they will also be names like some of those that operate in oil and gas. We, as a tech company, have to find a way through those relationships so that we are pulling together toward that. It’s an interesting and winding path. We are finding our way through this right now."

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