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让我们共同努力,craft the best carbon pricing policy

随着对气候变化的话语继续在政治,公共和商业领域,优秀的问题仍然增长:什么是最好的解决办法?虽然提倡长时间了吹捧自己的承诺,有一个碳定价方案或如何实现它的最有效的形式上没有达成共识。这是我们的问题,与商界领袖和非政府组织合作伙伴一起,将在探索我们CoLab event at GreenBiz 19.

The private sector and other key "non-state actors" in the United States have stepped up in a big way on climate action. More than 100 U.S. companies have committed to science-based targets, and over 3,600 companies, cities, universities and other organizations have sent a clear message thatWe Are Still Inwith respect to the Paris Agreement, regardless of the position of the current administration.

And yet, we know that this is not nearly enough to secure the prosperous low-carbon future we want while avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. RecentIPCCand other reports indicate that we are running out of time to take the bold, large-scale action needed and, despite the leadership shown by many organizations, we simply won’t get there without leveraging corporate and citizen ambition to drive changes in public policy that will enable faster and larger scale change.

智能公共政策将加快对数以千计的企业,城市和发动时需要,推动创新的大量资本其他玩家的部分行动,并增加野心的关键。绿色新政介绍,上周会晤了热情的赞扬和严厉的批评 - 这提出了一个问题:究竟是什么,这些“聪明”的政策,我们能做些什么来实现呢?

Progressive policy advocacy is a tricky undertaking for business at the best of times, and in our current highly polarized political environment, it seems even more so. Earlier failed attempts (remember cap-and-trade?) cast a long shadow. And yet, there is reason to believe the time is right for an attempt that builds on lessons learned and takes advantage of bigger and more diverse constituencies for change.

There is broad agreement across the ideological spectrum that carbon pricing, while not a silver bullet, will be a key ingredient in accelerating our transition to a low-carbon economy.
有跨越意识形态的普遍认为是把一个有效的碳价,而不是银弹政策,将在促成和加快我们过渡到低碳经济的关键因素。有没有具体的政策思路短缺考虑 - 从收费和股息税转移到新的和改进的上限和交易制度。什么是远不太清楚的是我们如何能够最好率众和一个周围组织或少量的方式,能够在国家一级持久的政治变化可能的解决方案。

VERGE 19 will feature a track dedicated to the issue of carbon removal.这里推荐一个扬声器。

Members of the We Mean Business coalition, BSR and Ceres — together with many partners in the United States and internationally — have been working to catalyze the kind of business leadership we believe can drive policy ambition and accelerate the energy transition. While much of the recent activity in the United States necessarily has been "defensive" in nature (maintaining a commitment to the Paris Agreement, preserving key government programs and policies, etc.), we are also working to develop a longer-term positive strategy for change. Ambitious new forms of collaboration between private-sector and other key players will be critical to any successful strategy, and we launched the BSR CoLab last year with exactly this kind of challenge/opportunity in mind.

CoLabis BSR's incubator and accelerator of private-sector collaboration, mobilizing the collective power of business to solve some of the world’s biggest sustainability challenges. Driven by the collective ingenuity of business and stakeholders, CoLab ideates, designs and scales collaborations that have transformational impacts.

BSR and Ceres will co-host a half-day workshop Feb. 25 at GreenBiz 19 in Phoenix, in which we will put our new CoLab methodology to work, exploring the prospects for powerful new collaboration(s) in pursuit of an effective public policy advocacy strategy to support climate ambition in the United States, with a focus on, but not limited to, a price on carbon.

We are inviting selected companies and expert stakeholders to join us as we consider key questions such as:

  • Do we agree on the problem we’re trying to solve? What are best objectives for getting effective price on carbon in the United States?
  • What can we learn from past efforts to build political will for climate action in the U.S. (cap and trade in 2007-8) and how should that affect our next run?
  • 对于公司来说,如何才能提升和与政府关系其他优先对齐气候政策?我们如何创造和交流的公司行为引人注目的业务案例?
  • For social and political leaders and advocates, how can we build truly bipartisan popular support that will, in turn, enable bipartisan action?
  • What is the best pathway to build unstoppable political force at the national level, and what are roles for local and state action as well as direct national-level and "mass-market" advocacy?

If you are interested in joining us in Phoenix, and/or for any efforts which may follow,please reach out to us.

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