

Let's save 'endangered technical species'

People leave behind nutrients not only in the biosphere. They also express their intentions in the technosphere. There is much talk today about national debts, budget deficits, and raising deficit ceilings. One U.S. study notes that every baby born to American parents is born with approximately $45,000 in debt to his or her name, before even holding a job. (Other studies calculate the amount at three times as much.)

We think society is setting up a similar debt when it comes to technical nutrients. “Planned obsolescence” dates back to the 1930s as a mode of stimulating economies, by making consumer goods break down or go out of style after a particular time period so as to instigate more purchasing. It gained currency in the 1950s.

But because of society’s design strategies, that planned obsolescence rings with it a significant debt in terms of the raw technical materials put out of industry’s reach in landfills.

We know society has the capability of being more careful with its raw materials. How do people treat gold, for example? Because society values gold, no one simply throws it out to be mashed in a dump or melted into a monstrous mess in an incinerator. That is unthinkable. Everyone would wonder how anybody could accidentally throw their gold away and how we could dig that gold out of the mountainous tons of waste to reuse it.

Instead, people traditionally sell it in its whole form. Or they pass it down to their children. Or they sell it to be remelted and made into gold of equal value.

Now think of cobalt, used in medical implants. Indium used LED lamps. Neodymium for wind turbines. Lithium for batteries.

These rare-earth and heavy metals are truly precious because they allow us to have the needed and valued goods, such as lifesaving devices, renewable power, computers, cars and so on.




Also, like fossil fuels, the technical nutrients are dispersed unequally around the globe. China currently supplies most of the world’s rare-earth metals, and it has used that fact to express political displeasure toward certain trading partners from time to time, sporadically interrupting the supply. Nations need not be in a state of anxiety about access to productive materials when people can be using and reusing the resources already available more wisely.


Years ago, Michael analyzed a television set to see how many chemicals it contained. The answer: 4,360. So many chemicals you the customer wouldn’t even want to know, and those components were off-gassing into your home every day. With Michael’s help, Philips produced the Econova television in 2010, which is designed for almost complete disassembly. It is PVC-free, and its cables are halogen-free. The TV uses only 40 watts of power when on and even has a solar remote control.

We know we can design better for the planet. We know we have the power to do so.


It is not fair to leave a clean air and water deficit because our processes and manufacturing emit polluting elements of all kinds into the air and water around the world.

And it is not fair to leave a safety deficit because so many harmful and toxic chemicals are put into products with no idea of where they will end up or how to prevent them from leaching into biological systems.

It is certainly not optimal by any means for children to be born into a world in which unnecessary chemicals (meaning chemicals that do not optimize healthy human or organic life, such as flame retardants) are accumulating in natural systems. It is certainly not fair to design products and systems that cause irreversible damage. And it is not fair if mother’s milk is contaminated by chemicals that are bioaccumulated through exposure to toxins and would not be legal to sell on a store shelf. We call that “chemical harassment.”

There are more than 150 studies showing that Bisphenol A, used in the production of plastics, is harmful to our health as well as to the environment. Only industry-financed studies show BPA to be relatively harmless. Issues like this one are not about suing someone or about placing blame.

Start with good intentions right from the beginning of the design process. Optimizing materials means choosing the fabrics or metals or polymers that begin with goodness in mind.

Sometimes, when a technical nutrient known to be a toxin or endocrine disrupter exists in a product meant to be used in biological systems — BPA in a baby bottle, for example — it is replaced. But the substitute ingredient seems “less bad” only because people do not know enough about how the chemical interacts in biological systems (many substitutes for BPA use the same processing that causes the problem with BPA). This blind use is not a solution.




Is it fair for a standard or a regulation for a product in one country to cause damage and degradation elsewhere? Is it fair to respect the health needs in Europe while damaging the health of people in China?



Next page:Recognizing interdependence



We can even look at this issue of quality in design using the old standards — cost, aesthetics and performance. Is your electrical transformer insulation a good design if the cost of cleaning up the PCBs on the rivers where the factory is located or in the field where the equipment is deployed is astronomical? Is your child’s toy aesthetically pleasing if she is in danger of brain damage from exposure to the lead? Are a soda and its bottle actually “performing” well if antimony is leached from the bottle into the acidic liquid and is dispensed to the person every time he takes a sip?


If people think of children, of the future, they can keep the focus on how to make products and systems intergenerationally generous. They can figure out how to generously give back while taking — and give back for generations to come. They can even start small in this thinking.

We have wondered why society seems compelled to only worry about the negative element leaching into our biological systems. The upcycle lets us think of moving beyond toxic and even beyond nontoxic to potentially beneficial. Bill recently designed a door handle that would transfer, if anything at all, magnesium molecules to your hand upon touch. Many people take mineral supplements in tablet form. Minerals essential to human health could be part of everyday interactions with functional objects.

Personally, we’ve found that in projecting forward while designing, with the greatest generosity in mind, we design for those with the most modest means as well as for those who can afford anything they want, and for all generations.

Instead of the tragedy of the commons, let’s upcycle the commons.


Excerpted fromTHE UPCYCLE: BEYOND SUSTAINABILITY—DESIGNING FOR ABUNDANCE威廉·麦克唐纳(William McDonough)和迈克尔·布劳加特(Michael Braungart)于2013年4月由法拉尔(Farrar),施特劳斯(Straus)和吉鲁(Giroux)部门的北点出版社(North Point Press)出版。版权所有©2013,威廉·麦克唐纳和迈克尔·布劳加特。版权所有。

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