
Two Steps Forward

介绍... Greenfin 21


环境,社会和治理(ESG)报告和投资的世界在过去的几年里大幅增加,甚至在2020年期间,当社会风险和报告成为许多公司和投资者的前沿和中心时,甚至在2020年。结合了相关金融产品和服务的增长 - 可持续性联系贷款和债券 - 并且您可以在华尔街上坐在墙街上的可持续发展。竞彩足球app怎么下载

We call it GreenFin, ourPortmanteau.for "green finance." It may well be the most dynamic and impactful aspect of sustainable business today.

这就是为什么Greenbiz集团很高兴地宣布Greenfin 21.,推出新的年度事件,目前为止,于4月13日至14日进行。Greenfin将加入我们的其他年度活动品牌 -格林巴斯and边缘- 关于可持续发展竞彩足球app怎么下载会议日历。


Greenfin 21是我们在我们的Greenbiz会议上跑的Greenfin Summits的自然演变2019and2020。在那里,我们召开了一小群专业人士(2019年,2019年的100岁,20020年)代表ESG和可持续融资生态系统:企业记者(包括可持续发展,投资者关系和公司财务角色);竞彩足球app怎么下载机构投资者和养老基金;ESG评级和排名组织;和金融机构,特别是世界上最大的银行。

Tower of Babel

What spurred us to launch the summits back in 2019 was the realization that these parties weren’t always speaking the same language or understanding one another’s needs.

For example, for all the sustainability reporting that companies serve up each year, it doesn’t always represent the kinds of data that investors need to assess corporate risk and opportunity. For their part, investors may not be asking the questions companies most want to answer. And neither side may fully understand how various parties are using this fast-growing cache of data.

At the 2019 and 2020 summits, our goal was to have a candid conversation in a safe space to address this financial Tower of Babel. Based on the enthusiastic feedback we received, we succeeded.

Greenfin 21.will build on that success, adding in the rapidly evolving world of sustainable finance products and services, to share what’s working, what can work better, and the path forward.

这不是一个小问题。ESG,正如我们所指出的那样那has been one of investing’s bright spots in 2020, with tens of billions of dollars flowing into ESG-themed funds every quarter. According to Morningstar, ESG funds reached the $1 trillion milestone sometime during the second quarter of the year. Much of the action is taking place in Europe, where普华永道预测ESG资金 - “投资景观的中央宗旨” - 可以在2025年到2025年,美国投资者追赶。

所以,也是如此的增长ESG相关的债券和贷款。专注于可持续发展和社会问题的公司债券产品每季度都在增长,并有一个与公司ES竞彩足球app怎么下载G绩效或其他可持续性指标相关的贷款蓬勃发展的市场。As we reported recently,全球绿键发行于9月击败了1万亿美元的标志。

尽管如此,还有巨大的增长室。据最近,预计六个全球市场的美国机构投资者的全部96%和91%的人预计将增加ESG作为投资标准的优先级。爱德尔曼信托师调查of institutional investors. Three in four U.S. individual investors said they are not familiar with the concept of sustainable investing, having heard little or nothing about it,根据井法龙/盖洛普投资者和退休乐观指数调查于4月发布。



然而,可持续投资市场和finance are young and the standards are evolving or, in some cases, don’t yet fully exist. It’s still the Wild West out there.

有希望的辉煌。Just last week, for example, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the International Integrated Reporting Council announced their intention to merge into a unified organization, the Value Reporting Foundation, "providing investors and corporates with a comprehensive corporate reporting framework across the full range of enterprise value drivers and standards to drive global sustainability performance," according to the新闻稿。今年早些时候,SASB和全球报告倡议(GRI)宣布他们的意图合作。森林需要这种巩固和合作,以真正催化可持续金融的全部潜力。

Ultimately, all of this relies on lots of data — ESG data — being compiled by a relatively small number of firms whose ratings can wield outsized clout among investors. The data is used to analyze stocks, of course, but also to assess creditworthiness and possibly even help determine whether a company is a great place to work.



我们将由我们的召开合作伙伴,标准普尔全球联盟,以及谁的谁社区合作伙伴,包括BSR,Capitals联盟,CDP,Ceres,Perstent Loards,GRI,故意捐赠网络,国家投资者关系学院,负责任资产业主,SASB,联合国全球契约和世界可持续发展的世界商业理事会。

我们也很高兴拥有越来越多的咨询委员会成员和赞助商,包括Citi,CDP,ERM,HP Inc.,Intel,Morgan Stanley,SASB,S&P Global,State Street和Wells Fargo - 更多信息。(让我知道如果你感兴趣。)


I hope you’ll join us for this landmark event.
