




With good reason: Many tools are ubiquitous but kludgy, not purpose-built for sustainability reporting needs — think Microsoft’s Excel, a go-to app used by many corporate sustainability execs. Other tools are slicker and more tailored to the task at hand but may require training by all those involved with gathering, massaging and using the data, from plant managers to investor relations folks.

几乎所有这些问题都需要收集和手工输入数据 - 一个漫长而往往是乏味的任务,其结果是,该数据报今天可能会高达一岁。

That’s the backdrop against which Salesforce this week announced its own solution, built on its ubiquitous software platform, designed to make sustainability reporting as quick and efficient as financial reporting. The company describes its newSustainability Cloudas "a carbon accounting product for businesses to drive climate action that will accelerate the world’s efforts towards carbon neutrality," though it has the potential to do much more over time.

The product, like so many other innovations, was born of necessity: the need for a more efficient and timely way for Salesforce to collect and report its own performance. "When you combine our interest in being transparent and trusted to all of our stakeholders, shareholders included, we've been oriented towards trying to be a leader in bringing our environmental data up to the same caliber as our financial data," Patrick Flynn, Salesforce’s vice president of sustainability, told me recently.

"The state we were in prior to building this tool is that the footprinting process was fine, but it wasn't getting better each year. It was a six-month slog that we were getting through, and it wasn’t improving. It was six months this year, six months the year before."



其结果是:“今年,我们能够做我们的图书环境封闭的快,因为我们做了我们的书财务结算与此前我们的主要环境要求审核 - 要报告的时间 - 有限保证由安永会计师事务所。出在我们的10K。所以,我们的环境数据是在很多公司财务数据的质量和速度移动。对于专业的可持续性,这意味着我们可以在一年花费更多的时间寻找不是寻找落后了“。竞彩足球app怎么下载

In December, a souped-up version will be rolled out to Salesforce customers and also available as a standalone program.



另一个屏幕显示的DocuSign的16个楼盘位置,对于每个具体的性能数据。一些数据从Salesforce平台的其他地方拉。例如,对于的DocuSign在纽约的办公室,不过已经有了一系列在Salesforce相关数据:地址;邮政编码;平方英尺;谁中的联系人;谁是审批者;网格是对;卷起的能源和电力消耗的摘要;和可再生能源的分配。 The resulting footprint is calculated automatically by looking all of that up.

Chasing data

The platform relies on extrapolation to short-cut some data collection, explained Flynn. "Chasing data for the sustainability manager is an incredibly tough part of the process and a big reason why it takes so long. And often they're sent chasing data that actually isn't going to move the needle all that much on their strategy or their reporting. So, let's use software and plug the holes quickly and circle back if we have a greater need for more detail at a later time."

Any questions or notes that come up during the footprinting process get captured and time-stamped with the author’s name, which can streamline the process for subsequent years and provide breadcrumbs that enable auditors, among others, to more quickly understand some underlying data.


Salesforce的首席财务官马克·霍金斯,在C-套件企业可持续发展的冠军之一,是盟友一键弗林和他的团队。竞彩足球app怎么下载霍金斯也是北美分会的创始人之一Accounting for Sustainability, or A4S, established in 2004 by the Prince of Wales, whose goals include transforming financial decision making to reflect the opportunities and risks posed by environmental and social issues.


Investors are less interested in a score by some third party or a particular rating framework. They want the underlying data.
Flynn is the first to acknowledge that no such software platform can solve every sustainability reporting challenge. For example, "Software is never going to help a sustainability professional know who in the building manages the utility bills. Especially if you're a small subtenant and had to get that data from that person."

But, he says, the right platform can ensure data integrity, a key goal of the Sustainability Cloud. "Wherever the data comes in, it gets funneled into this clean organizational process that takes it on a journey to be analyzed, aggregated together, verified, inspected. And then ultimately, in our case, provided with a limited assurance by a Big Four firm that does our financial auditing, in our case Ernst & Young."

I noted that the Sustainability Cloud focused primarily on measuring and tracking negative impacts — energy consumption, climate emissions, waste generation and others. Could it ever be used to track positive, regenerative outcomes, such as carbon sequestration or closing the loop on waste?

弗林回应通过描述产品路线图. "Things like being able to access options for renewable energy, options for carbon offsetting, places where companies can collaborate on shared supply-chain initiatives. This is just the beginning, and the right place to begin was carbon emissions and the footprinting process and a holistic view to start developing strategy. The future will include a whole lot more."

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