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A major assault on shareholder rights is underway.


这些组织最近提交了一份请愿书(PDF格式)with the Securities and Exchange Commission asking the SEC to change the criteria for allowing shareholders to resubmit proxy resolutions on issues that received minority support in previous votes. In other words, while companies claim they want to communicate with shareholders, it's really a one-way street; they don't want to hear from shareholders when it comes to changing corporate policy.


Big business doesn't want your vote

They're not alone. In late March, SEC Commissioner Daniel Gallagher recently made amajor speech在杜兰法学院附和了这些观点。纳斯达克法律总顾问爱德华奈特op-ed in the Wall Street Journalabout it last month. Delaware Judge Leo Strine wrote a lengthy piece challenging the frivolous resolutions filed by investors with no skin in the game.

The Chamber-led petition asks the SEC not only to increase the voting threshold for resolutions but to do a cost-benefit analysis of the present rule and also limit the number of resolutions that can appear on a company ballot.

Such proposals may加强股东的决心, but there are likely sympathetic ears among the SEC's Republican appointees. The petition, addressing Exclusion of Resubmitted Shareholder Proposals, 17 C.F.R. §240.14a-8(i)(12), states, "In the last several years, since Congress' mandatory requirement of 'say-on-pay' referenda, there has been a proliferation of repetitive submissions of non-economically-oriented proposals, often by investors with trivial stakes, that have been overwhelmingly rejected by the shareholders to whom these proposals are addressed."


Infantilizing shareholders

Raising the threshold of previous "yes" votes on an issue to warrant inclusion on a future ballot does not, as the Chamber petition states, poses "adverse consequences on shareholders." Shareholders deserve to be informed of social, environmental and governance issues surrounding their company, and they deserve theopportunity to help companiesbecome more ethical, just, responsible and sustainable.


Image by Zurijeta via ShutterstockA Sustainable Investments Institute study released last week, commissioned by the Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute, actually shows that companies are far exceeding the legal and regulatory requirements on social, environmental and governance issues. Not only are more than half (55.4 percent) of Standard & Poor 500 companies providing board-level oversight of social and environmental issues, but the Board Oversight of Sustainability Issues study(PDF格式)indicates that corporate boards quite clearly understand the connection between financial risks and opportunities of sustainable policies and practices and effective management and profitability.

Because it is in their financial interest to do so, these companies generally have stated standards and hire outside counsel, advisors and experts to guide adherence to them. The study also found a strong correlation between company size, as measured by revenue and net income, and the rate of board oversight of sustainability issues. Top quintile companies by revenue were more than three times more likely to have board oversight of environmental and/or social issues than those in the bottom quintile.

So we now know that most companies — including the largest ones in the nation — care enough about environmental, social and governance issues to monitor and oversee it at the board level. This means that it's core to the business model, and not immaterial to the financial bottom line as the Chamber-led SEC petition purports. The reason most ESG proposals fail is not because the proposals lack merit or are immaterial, it's because most shareholders either in principle vote with management, figuring they must know best, or don't vote at all.

但有时公司并不知道什么是最好的,纳税人和社会为这么多公司糟糕的ESG做法付出了高昂的代价。企业剥削赚钱的历史和现在的咒语都有很好的记录。问题是are operating from an obsolete paradigm that views ESG issues as immaterial. They're simply wrong about that: Being a good corporate citizen is good for business.




Shareholder advocacy is simply not a burden on companies with the intent to foster a sense of social and environmental responsibility. Shareholders who propose changes along these lines have the best financial interests of the companies they own at heart. Corporations are chartered as a public trust. Violate this trust, and the company itself becomes the burden on society, and the harm must be stopped.


金钱和voting image bycvm公司via Shutterstock

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