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长期可持续的增长是建立一个成功的公司非常重要的。在第3部分她的四个部分组成的系列“成长的绿色企业:迎接21世纪的下一个伟大的颠覆性挑战”布兰迪麦克马纳斯查看不同的策略,投资于可持续性。竞彩足球app怎么下载以下是Part 1andPart 2of her series.

Investing in Sustainability: Shades of Green


Sustainability is defined as "满足当代人的需要,又不损害后代人满足其自身需求的能力”如果你看这个企业的经营理念中,你可以很容易地说,你不会让今天的一个商业决定,将牺牲企业的明天(至少在正常的经营和职业道德),长期可持续增长是重要的建立一个成功的公司。

• Reading the Signs of Change
• Assessing the Impacts of Environmental Pressure
• Investing in Sustainability: Shades of Green

To embrace environmentally sustainable development, it is not important that you become a tree-hugging hippie, nor is it vital to adopt a "principles before profits" mentality. But it is important to accept the serious impact of the environment on your business.

斯蒂芬·斯密德亨尼,在可持续发展的领先企业和非营利活动家,has written: "When viewed within the context of sustainable development, environmental concerns become not just a cost of doing business, but a potent source of competitive advantage. Enterprises that embrace the concept can effectively realize the advantages; more efficient processes, improvements in productivity, lower costs of compliance and new strategic market opportunities. Such businesses may expect to reap advantages over the competitors who lack vision. Companies that fail to change can expect to become obsolete."

为构建sustainabl建立一个业务案例e corporation, you must first ask some hard questions about what you are doing and what you are willing to do. For example:

  1. Have you completed the basics: recycling programs and doing away with Styrofoam cups?
  2. Is your industry or company government regulated to make changes in your facilities or operations?
  3. 你有很高的品牌知名度,这将导致客户或股东质疑你的可持续发展政策?竞彩足球app怎么下载
  4. What investment (if any) are you willing to make to be environmentally responsible?

The following figure will help you place your business in a category of investment ranging from Level 1 to 4, or Shades of Green.

Level 1: The Basics, or Greening Your Life


This level can also be described as risk mitigation. Basic energy reduction projects and compliance with environmental regulations can keep companies on the good side of consumers, the government and watchful non-governmental organizations.

In an experiment at its Swiss headquarters, Dow Europe encouraged employees to eliminate mailing lists and obtain receipts for memos indicating if a participant wanted to continue receiving the information. This resulted in a 30 percent reduction in office paper flow in six weeks. Dow also estimated an increase in labor productivity because people could focus on only what they really needed to read. AT&T reduced paper costs by 15 percent by simply setting office printers and copiers to print double-sided as noted by Amory Lovins, Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken, Forest Reinhardt, Robert Shapiro and Joan Magretta in "Harvard Business Review on Business and the Environment" (2000).

Johnson & Johnson reduced waste by 2,750 tons of packaging and 1,600 tons of paper which equated to $2.8 million and at least 220 acres of trees annually. According to Amy Green in "Green Business: A Five-part Model for Creating an Environmentally Responsible Company" (2006), this savings came from using a stronger, but more opaque paper, and designing packaging more thoughtfully.

界面公司,为商业内饰材料的领先制造商,实施了地毯生产在上海的一个系统,需要液体通过一个标准激发循环流通。施工开始前,一名工程师意识到两个非常简单的设计变更将削减电力需求从95马力到7 - 减少了92%。重新设计的系统成本少建,不涉及新技术,并在各方面更好地工作。用一个简单的注重可持续发展,界面降低了成本和风竞彩足球app怎么下载险。

Such simple actions require little to no investment but can serve to motivate employees, increase productivity and reduce expenses.

Level 2: Greening the Office

This next level of sustainability may require some investment but can have some return if done right. The investment can be minimal compared to the increased shareholder satisfaction or reduce market risk. Businesses targeting Level 2 may plan to use a proactive approach to sustainability to gain market share or hire or retain top talent. Level 2 would include any company with people interested in the environment, but the best payback tends to be in large office buildings (100K to 500K square feet) or manufacturing facilities with an interest in the bottom line, but not much external market pressure to be sustainable. Additionally, companies with low market power that rely on very large customers may aim for this level in case they must address questions about environmental performance.


Greening your facilities can mean many things and also has many different levels -- from minor energy savings projects to holistic energy projects to comprehensive building projects incorporating site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials and resources selection and environmental quality. While many projects, like energy and water efficiency, will pay back the investment in a reasonable amount of time, some materials and site development projects require an investment in the facility and in the employees. This returns us to the question of the price of your company's social responsibility.

The following table lists some simple projects and offers an overview of the investment needed to green a typical facility.



Malden Mills, the socially conscious Massachusetts maker of Polartec, completed a warehouse lighting retrofit that reduced energy use by 93 percent, improved visibility and paid for itself in 18 months, Lovins and colleagues wrote in "Harvard Business Review on Business and the Environment."

健赞世界领先的生物技术,希望它的新corporate headquarters to reflect the company's mission of making a positive impact on people's lives. The design of the corporate headquarters is a leading-edge, green facility powered by renewable energy sources and controlled byintegrated building systemsthat lower operations, maintenance and energy costs, while providing a work environment that honors employees' need for natural light and fresh air. The Genzyme center achieved the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum rating from the U.S. Green Buildings Council -- an organization the drives standards for sustainable facilities. The return on this investment can be measured in increased revenue and market awareness, hiring of top talent and increased employee productivity.

Level 3: Greening the Plant


Level 3 companies integrate sustainability into the business mission. Because of high impact on the environment, high brand recognition or high social responsibility, these companies take incorporate environmental planning into daily activities and may even measure corporate progress on a triple bottom line. The triple bottom line not only measures the economic bottom line but also social and environmental results.

Sustainable operations goes beyond the traditional mantra of "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" but adds "Redesign" and "Re-imagine." These activities include closing manufacturing loops, redesigning the supply chain and tracing the environmental footprint of your products and services from raw materials, suppliers, manufacturing, distribution, use and end of life.

这个过程称为生命周期评估(LCA),allows manufacturers to truly see the environmental impact of their product and manage their footprint at all levels. "Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value and Build Competitive Advantage" (2006), offers an insightful perspective on LCA. In this book, Daniel Esty and Andrew Winston compare a typical lifecycle assessment to an extended value chain assessment. In an extended value chain, you can begin to understand the true impact that your products may have on the environment.

For example, Esty and Winston offer this product lifecycle from a typical car manufacturer:
Simple Automotive Value Chain


With a complete picture of the value chain, the manufacturer would now be ready to ask some questions to improve the company environmentally and suggest sustainable alternatives.

For example:
  1. Where do the materials come from? What are the suppliers' environmental policies?
  2. What emissions are released during fabrication or manufacturing?
  3. 多少气体将在“使用”阶段,产品的使用?什么是成本和对用户的影响?
  4. What emissions will be released? Will the user be penalized?
  5. What happens when the car is taken to the junk yard? Can anything be recycled?

The British oil giant BP committed to reducing carbon emissions and ended up saving $1.5 billion in process changes. By making a corporate commitment and encouraging employee innovation, BP reduced greenhouse gas emissions, involved employees and had a significant impact on emissions and their business.

Level 4: Riding the Green Wave

Level 4 includes true environmental stewardship. This requires companies to not only do no harm, but asks them to help restore any damage that has already been done. A Level 4 business would make investments in green products or technologies and bring them to market. Some examples are Toyota offering the Prius, or energy companies offering green energy sources such as wind or hydropower.

This level includes true innovation and is the new frontier of sustainability. Environmental products, technologies and businesses are predicted to drive trillions of dollars in investments in the coming years.

General Electric is pursuing green opportunities, embodied in its slogan "ecomagination," by doubling its investment in environmental products including everything from energy efficient light bulbs to more efficient jet engines. Many large brand name companies are leaders in the green movement, including Johnson & Johnson, DuPont, Sony, Unilever, Nike and Dow. These companies are making significant investments, not only in environmentally friendly products, but also in an environmentally responsible path that will lower their financial and operation risk while adding degrees of freedom to operations, profit and growth.

The majority of companies in the Level 4 category are typically those with the most to lose by not responding to environmental issues. These companies not only have a high brand exposure and a large number of shareholders, but hold a significant ecological footprint. Most are dependent on natural resources and subject to a high degree of regulations. Though they have a significant amount to gain from the advantages of environmental responsibility, they also have high risk and exposure if they fail to do anything at all.

Also, it may or may not be a coincidence that these green wave-rider companies have significantly outpaced marked growth for several consecutive years.


如果竞彩足球app怎么下载is defined as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs," then it makes sense that a financially responsible company would also strive to achieve sustainability. How far your business needs to go on this journey will depend on your industry, regulation, investment level and brand recognition.


Brandi McManus is the global business development manager for energy services atTAC。Over the past nine years, she has worked at TAC to ensure efficient sales operations through strategic planning and proactive leadership with a focus on training and development of personnel. McManus is highly skilled in both domestic and international product development and improvements, as well as process creation and implementation.

