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How climate change can be addressed through executive compensation

Illustration of a deal being closed.

Illustration of a deal being closed.


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues are increasingly becoming incorporated across all aspects of organizations, including business strategies, operations and product/service offerings.

Recentglobal research of boards of directorsby Willis Towers Watson found that 70 to 80 percent of respondents have identified ESG priorities and developed ESG implementation plans. However, only 48 percent have fully incorporated ESG into their businesses, indicating that organizations are at different stages in their ESG journeys. While the most cited reason for taking ESG actions is that they see it as the right thing to do, over three-quarters (78 percent) of respondents indicate that they believe ESG is a key contributor to strong financial performance.



A particularly effective way to advance ESG principles is through redefining responsible leadership. And one of the most useful tools in prompting leaders to address climate change and make their organizations more sustainable is through compensation and incentive programs, and the incorporation of new climate-action metrics into such programs.

Rising demand for sustainable solutions

The drive to make companies more climate resilient and sustainable started with institutional investors, long aware of climate risk. Consumer awareness, likewise, has grown significantly as climate change becomes more apparent in their daily lives amid news stories about extreme weather, such as wildfires.



尽管有这个背景,many boards have not incorporated climate awareness进入他们的组织。Willis Towers Watson进行的公司公共披露的分析表明,虽然大约有11%的欧洲公司中有11%的二氧化碳排放量与其激励计划有关,但只有2%的美国标准普尔500年公司拥有它。


Executives acknowledge need for climate action


根据2019年联合国(联合国)和埃森哲的调查, 71 percent of CEOs believe that — with increased commitment and action — business can play a critical role in contributing to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Yet only 48 percent of CEOs are implementing sustainability into their operations, consistent with the findings from Willis Towers Watson’s research as noted earlier.




As organizations refine their climate change strategies and disclosures, they can start to consider the linkages to their executive compensation programs.

Multiple ways to link executive pay to climate action


  • 基础(或最低资金阈值)对于具有有意义的高二氧化碳排放的公司而言,最合适的是新引入气候可持续性指标。竞彩足球app怎么下载它应包括在其他激励计划指标下需要支付的阈值或基本二氧化碳排放水平。
  • An individual performance rating modifier可以针对个人的角色量身定制,并改善视线,以实现更定性或战略性的气候变化目标,但它可能不会促进参与者的合作以实现共同的物质目标。
  • Plan modifiersare standalone metrics that consider the "how" and the "what." A modifier allows for the entire STI or LTI award payout to be increased or decreased by a certain percentage. If the underlying target is met, then no modification would be made and the underlying STI or LTI award would be made based on the other metrics.
  • KPIS提供一种直接的度量,以增强气候变化的重要性,通常很容易传达,可量化的目标。加权更高的指标需要与资金指标的明确联系,但是KPI需要具有物质权重,以证明其对计划参与者和外部利益相关者的重要性。
  • LTI计划中的KPI引入独立的气候变化指标,如果有更长的时间范围来产生可衡量的结果(例如碳排放减少),则最合适。然而,缺点是绩效期限可能会稀释势头以实现可持续性结果,这是LTI计划绩效的关键驱动力,并且可以表现出财务/市场绩效的强调。竞彩足球app怎么下载
  • Standalone incentive plans与其他激励计划分开,其唯一目的是衡量可持续性绩效并降低气候风险(例如与可持续性策略保持一致的超长号术语)。竞彩足球app怎么下载这样的计划鼓励参与者对绩效进行长期看法,但可能很难交流或视为其他激励措施的重复性。

Because most CO2 emission reduction targets tend to have longer-term horizons, the typical annual and three-year incentives may not be directly aligned with these goals. Nonetheless, even short-term incentives can have a significant impact in terms of corporate culture. But to encourage longer-term decision making (for example, a target period of 10 years) often associated with large capital investments, and to emphasize its prominence, companies could introduce a separate, hyper-long-term incentive plan focused solely on CO2 emission reductions.





For boards and management that are a little more suspect of climate sustainability, consider that climate-related measures can provide a return on investment through reduced energy consumption and waste in addition to the goodwill of stakeholders such as investors, customers and employees.

As the World Economic Forum’s January 2019 publication on董事会有效的气候治理sets out, monetary incentives for senior management teams should be tied to long-term organizational goals that contribute to resilience and prosperity over time. There is little to prevent linking climate-risk and opportunity-related factors to compensation if they are material to an organization’s long-term sustainability, value creation and risk mitigation.

Executive compensation always has been an effective tool to foster innovation. Now we must marshal its power to encourage the march toward a climate resilient future.


