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超过20年前成立的欧洲汽车共用的这种“传统模式”。它稳步增长 - 但有些谦虚地 - 在北美地区从1994年开始在蒙特利尔和1998年在波特兰。但事情并没有真正开始起飞,直到大约2000年,两家公司与国家/国际志向推出 - Flexcar在西雅图和Zipcar公司在波士顿 - 其合并在2007年经过几年的直接竞争。最近,各大汽车租赁公司纷纷涉足汽车共用 - 最显着赫兹连接in New York City and企业WeCar

上个月,Zipcar公司大吼到公众持有的工商部门,用令人惊讶,甚至本身其IPO的巨大成功-- resulting in a valuation of Zipcar beyond a number of the rental car companies, even though they manage a fraction of the fleet these rental car companies have. The success of this offering is a good indication that major investors see something new happening with cars and car ownership in the US. Sightline readers have被惊动tosome of这些变化,这两者合在一起,代表了一个新兴的领域显著发展“个人移动性。”


Peer-to-Peer Carsharing

Peer-to-peer (P2P) carsharing has the potential to dramatically expand the geographic area where carsharing is a viable alternative to car ownership -- beyond dense, close-in parts of cities to suburbs and beyond.

P2P carsharing takes advantage of under-utilized, privately owned vehicles for carsharing, and allows the owners to rent these vehicles to their neighbors. A P2P carsharing company facilitates the transaction and provides the insurance during the rental period -- protecting the owner from claims.

到目前为止,也有一些初创公司 - 在加利福尼亚聚集了一步,但与国家的野心 - 测试P2P汽车共享水域。它们包括RelayRides四处转转JustShareIt。如基于车队小汽车共用,它们需要会员,包费用为每小时(或每小时+英里)的速度,需要接机和落客时间,已经下放地方保留,使得对车辆无人看管的访问。(最后两个项目是汽车共用和汽车租赁之间的关键区别。)

我认为P2P汽车共享的汽车共用的1.5版本。它在运行的汽车共用公司,自开展业务的主要成本之一的财务状况发生重大变化 - 租赁或拥有的车辆 - 现在是一个可变成本,只支付时,有一个出租。(这不是单纯的利润,因为相关管理所有这些个体车主需要由该公司承担更复杂的操作)。但它仍然是往返,基于预留的汽车共用。


European auto manufacturers have started to get involved in carsharing, another indication that we're crossing a transportation threshold. Daimler started its innovative的car2go"mobility on demand" service (described in the next section) first in Germany in 2009 and subsequently in Austin, Texas in 2010.宝马宣布了一项类似的服务三月。本月,大众汽车宣布将开始一个更经典的往返汽车共用服务。

Premium auto manufacturers such as Daimler and BMW don't sell inexpensive, entry-level, economy cars -- the kinds of cars most potential car-sharers would otherwise drive. Consequently, these high-end carmakers aren't endangering sales of their own vehicles by putting cars on the street as carshare vehicles. In Daimler's case, it was a very "smart" move, because they've been struggling to find markets for their Smart car; VW's entry is a bit more of a gamble. But presumably the handwriting is on the pavement: European auto sales (and profits) are going to be increasingly hard to come by.


New Service Models

传统的汽车共用往返服务模式,需要提前安排行程和使车辆回到拾取位置最迟你说会。戴姆勒的car2goservice is a significant advance from this model.

Car2go地方数以百计的智能汽车在一个大型城市佐恩e, and negotiates the option that allows them to be parked in any legal parking space (including meters without the driver paying) and used by the minute -- 35¢ per minute. Instead of having to make a reservation, the member simply goes on the internet or smart phone to find the closest vehicle and then uses their member card to unlock and start the vehicle. Trips can be taken to any destination -- just like traditional carsharing -- but vehicles do not have to be returned to any specific location because the vehicles don't have a specific home location (so long as the car is within the floating parking zone). (Car2go是否允许提前预约24小时,但它不是一个特定的车辆,而仅仅是最接近的车辆到指定的地址。您在旅行前得到一个消息,告诉您车辆停放)。


这些新的“流动性需求”的服务的影响是一个悬而未决的问题,值得认真研究,一旦他们所拥有的用户一个良好的基础。鉴于服务备受更灵活的性质,它很可能是他们可以开小汽车共用大门,更多的拥有汽车的家庭 - 但也可能抵消一些车次,否则公交和自行车制造。(这是传统的汽车共用的次要效果,以及,记录在由罗伯特·切尔韦罗旧金山评价)。

Electric Vehicles

法国一直领先的电动汽车(EV)的方式。由于与国有电力公司的合作伙伴关系的结果,法国队一直公路值得电动车通过他们的大汽车公司超过10年建成。另外,他们已经开发出纯电动车车队小汽车共用在少数城市。新一代电动车引发了人们的兴趣。继他们的自行车共享计划的巨大成功,Velib,the Mayor of Paris announced an electric vehicle program,AUTOLIB,这是希望能有4000个允许电动车单程旅行(充电站之间),全城 - 可能在一年之内。

上个月,戴姆勒偷AUTOLIB雷霆的小宣布,它将提供全电动的car2goprogram in Amsterdam using the Smart Electric Drive model. Meanwhile, Germany is about to announce a national platform for“电子移动性。”作为一个时代周报article says (roughly translated), "Instead of being about the 'vehicle' the platform is about 'mobility'... In the coming years people will get from one place to another differently than in the past. They will continue to be mobile, but not necessarily use their car."

Waiting in the wings to service this electro-mobility market is a whole array of lightweight personal electric vehicle designs, ready to compliment bicycles, e-bikes, walking, and transit for urban mobility. In spite of efforts to commercialize Neighborhood Electric Vehicles a decade ago, the NEV category is hampered by the speed restrictions which limit production, keeping purchase prices above entry-level small sedans. A medium-speed vehicle category (50 mph) could provide the boost needed to allow manufacturers to produce an appealing economically viable vehicle, which could be offered in carsharing fleets, as well as sold/leased.


在美国,传统的汽车共用服务还没有在场边观看完全这些事态发展。赫兹连接一直在第一线得到它的手在美国的几个公路级电动车,并让他们在纽约市提供。走出领先于所有的等经典carshares,赫兹连接刚刚宣布了其传统的汽车共用模式的扩张 - 还需要预订,但允许在纽约市地区100个站之间的单程旅行,包括服务的三个主要机场城市。显然,他们已经调升小汽车共用的赌注,至少在一个大城市。(对于什么是值得本田在新加坡跑了示范项目两年允许站之间的单程旅行。)

许多人都拭目以待,看Zipcar公司的下一步行动将是什么,现在他们有一些钱从他们的IPO在他们的口袋。虽然他们已经表示在国际并购的兴趣 - 有买了非常成功的“汽车俱乐部”电车服务伦敦和英国其他城市在IPO前,他们肯定要开发策略,以满足P2P小汽车共用的挑战,的car2go的按需提供移动服务。

In the near term, it seems likely that high gas prices, increasing use of road tolls and taxes, and congested highways means an increasing number of consumers will consider the myriad transportation options beyond car ownership. They may even adopt a less-intensive transportation lifestyle. Whether we will make the transition from promoting electric vehicles to promoting electric-mobility is a big question. Clearly, there are a number of companies ready to provide new options, and it appears that the investment community thinks there's opportunity to go beyond the American "love affair with the car" and appears ready to fund carsharing, electric vehicles and e-mobility .

本文原载于on Sightline Daily,和is reprinted with permission.

