

Industrial crane on a container ship.

Industrial crane on a container ship.

Photo by Ksenia Kudelkina on Unsplash.






“第一波商业规模零排放运输飞行员必须在接下来的五到10年内实现,以提供将在20世纪30年代规模解锁部署的技术和商业证明点,”SECSED FEAUSTINE DERASALLE(加)报告中的见解为企业和政府提供了“基金会”。在专注于在集装箱内进行的绿氨和甲醇飞行员,提交人声明报告的调查结果将与若干替代燃料相关。

With ETC estimates pinning the cost of pilot projects at between $200 million and $900 million, depending on their size, the report calls on supply chain partners to split the cost of critical equipment, in particular bunkering and vessels, in order to spread the risk of investments and deliver the capital required to get projects off the ground. And in order to minimize upfront capital investment in new infrastructure, the analysis recommends that partners repurpose and retrofit existing assets where possible. Meanwhile, consortia should be established to set up a "chain of long-term voluntary offtake agreements" that provide market certainty and help reduce the cost of pilots on freight operators and, ultimately, end consumers, the report advises.

To alleviate first-mover disadvantage that historically has presented major barriers to the development of pilot projects, the report recommends that initiatives are strategically plotted in locations that have large potential for delivering the low-cost renewable electricity supplies required to produce green hydrogen, a key input in the development of ammonia and methanol fuels. This approach could provide a further boost to proposed low carbon industrial clusters where several sectors already share the cost of low carbon energy and fuel infrastructure, or focus on locations with large potential for clean energy and tax exemptions for industrial electricity consumers, according to the report.


此外,根据依据等等,征在货物所有者上的“绿色燃料溢价”可以为其中一些关键技术试验提供资金。Citi的全球航运,物流和离岸业务董事长Michael Parker,据估计,溢价会对消费品的整体成本产生可忽略不计的影响,提高了“高端运动鞋的成本“0.5%至1%。他预测,尽管经营零排放船只的业务成本更高,但对最终消费者价格的影响很可能是有限的。“


ETC报告强调零排放船舶的部署对于实现国际海洋组织现有的脱碳目标至关重要 - 与2008年相比,2030年船舶碳强度降低了40%,到2050年的绝对排放量减少了50%相同的基线。还需要零排放船舶在2050年气候科学家向全球经济的所有部分推荐的2050年气候科学家提供净零排放的“更雄心勃勃的”目标。

IMO的气候目标被认为不足以满足全球气候目标,气候行动跟踪员倡议将该部门目前的2030年降低40%的目标,而2008年的水平为“批判性不足”,并符合毁灭性的全球4摄氏度的温度升高,两倍于巴黎协议的2 C上限。

碳管理计划批准后this month by the U.N. agency, after being endorsed by IMO member states in October, have sparked fierce criticism from green groups, who maintain they are too lax and will not reduce emissions this decade, partly due to the proposals delaying hard enforcement of operational carbon efficiency rules for ships until 2029. However, industry players contend that a new mandatory operational efficiency rating system, where ships are rated on an A to E grading system, will subject poor-efficiency ships to the power of the market and help accelerate the shift towards greener vessels.




Influential industry group International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published a report that calls on the IMO to introduce a new levy on maritime fuel to fund net-zero shipping innovation, noting a "huge amount of R&D" is required to establish the low carbon propulsion systems, vessels and refueling network required to decarbonize the sector.

委员会 - 旨在反对过去严格监管过去的碳排放的主要建筑师,是绿色活动家抨击的争议建议,因为牙齿无牙 - 警告说明,因为“规范排放的压力,所需的这种投资目前正在比行业保持步伐的能力更快。“




Questioned about whether the United Kingdom would support such a fund at the IMO, a spokesperson from the Department of Transport (DfT) said the government remains "fully committed" to the 2030 and 2050 carbon goals established by the U.N. agency in 2018. "Our focus now is on securing a good outcome on short, mid and long-term measures that will begin to reduce emissions from international shipping," they said.




