尽管电动汽车的增长速度比我们想象的要快,但真正达到气候目标将带来另一个大型过渡的势头 - 一个向循环经济发展。手机app买球靠谱吗倾斜这些平行的转移可能会激发汽车制造和使用方式的革命。
Embracing the circular economy has become even more critical since COVID-19 has hit economies hard, putting pressure on consumers and manufacturers and driving home the need to be watchful of resources. In fact, one recent survey of supply chain professionals found that 51 percent expect the focus on circular economy strategies to increase over the next two years. Those surveyed from large companies (with revenues of more than $25 billion or more) had more optimism for this growth in the circular economy than mid-size organizations, perhaps signaling the opportunity for organizations with both resources and appetite for risk.
从“线性经济”过渡意味着范围内的全系统变化,包括在“生命的尽头”的可回收性设计产品。对于汽车行业来说,这意味着要在亨利·福特(Henry Ford)的传奇装配线或丰田著名的“及时及时”生产系统中实现转型,该系统定时制造了经销商订单以最大程度地减少零件库存。
Through what might be called a 'green industry' agenda, the global economy can maintain standards of living and offer mobility means to serve the expected doubling of the global passenger demand by 2050.
世界经济论坛的第一份报告带有来自WBCSD和Systemiq的意见,标题为“前进的道路:汽车循环的政策研究议程。”This work questions how current regulatory frameworks can support high circularity. The report makes an appeal for faster vehicle electrification, low carbon technology adoption, end-of-life management subsidies and incentives to support the industry transformation.
The second report, "Raising Ambitions: A new roadmap for the circular automotive economy," is led by Accenture Strategy and proposes a comprehensive and future-looking framework for increasing both materials and use-phase efficiency in the automobile sector. This report, which will be published later in January, will examine innovative approaches to emerging business models for enabling high-quality recycling and second-life battery use.
Collectively, these roadmaps lay the groundwork for what might be called a "green industry" agenda. At scale, this new model for industrialization can meet the climate imperative, the challenge to deliver goods and services and also dramatically reduce resources consumed and waste/emissions produced in the process.
Through this model, according to research by Accenture, the global economy can maintain standards of living and offer mobility means to serve the expected doubling of the global passenger demand by 2050. It also can reduce related natural resource consumption by up to 80 percent and carbon emissions per passenger by 75 percent.
CCI offers a platform to exchange and collectively investigate the technology and business models innovations that will help to make circularity the norm, faster. The platform draws the next frontier for the automotive industry and gathers its progressive leaders to find how carbon neutrality will make economic sense. New innovative business models around Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and data availability along the use phase will increase a lifecycle view and bring circularity into the mainstream.
To be sure, a circular future is not guaranteed for the auto industry. It depends on the rise of three simultaneous trends: high vehicle use models (such as ride hailing, car sharing and MaaS); the conversion of the distribution and maintenance network into collection, re-manufacturing and recycling centers; and the adoption of modular designs and low carbon circular materials during vehicle design.
Still, companies that embrace this future will create more value more quickly. The cost associated with the sourcing of materials and parts will reduce drastically and are expected to largely cover the necessary investments in technology and business models that allow to close the loop. At the same time, the brands that will adopt this approach may be able to provide cheaper and more accessible means of transport to many and offer financially accessible jobs in the gig economy. Finally, the companies adopting this model will have better visibility to carbon neutrality, supporting compliance and reducing their impact on biodiversity.
With investments in the technologies that support MaaS models and low carbon approaches, collaboration and support to convert the existing network and a gradual move to modular designs and production methods, the automotive industry could align its purpose to a 1.5 degrees Celsius scenario in the coming decade.