

在90年代末,示威者成群结队经常起来反对国际货币基金组织,世界银行,各国政府和跨国公司。多边机构的全球性会议 - 如史称的“西雅图之战” 1999年世界贸易组织的聚会 - 成千上万面街的职业,有时数万愤怒的公民。

Concerned with poverty reduction, workers’ rights, sustainability and the perceived ills of neoliberal trade policies, these loosely allied activists feared and decried what they saw as totalizing corporate power. Direct-action clashes with police, enervated by volleys by water cannon and tear gas, raised questions about corporate accountability, which helped those of us working in corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the time.

This moment ended abruptly in 2001, with the terrorist attacks of 9/11. As governments and public fears spun toward terrorism and security, large-scale demonstrations related to CSR and sustainability strategy largely disappeared.

While CSR did not die, its immediate priority waned. Economic uncertainty led companies to contain costs and cut CSR budgets. Those companies (there were many) focused solely on facile reputation management, without committing to improving real impacts, quietly welcomed the recess of vociferous dissent. Media lost curiosity over corporate social and environmental malfeasance. Labor market power shifted to employers, and consumers’ taste for green and conscientious options flickered.


Accountability regimes continued as the economy ticked up until the next crisis — the 2008 financial meltdown. Cue images of traumatized Lehman Brothers employees lugging bankers’ boxes from office towers. Markets and asset valuations cratered, and business leaders white-knuckled their firms into survival mode, laying off masses and cutting spending.

企业责任怎么了?在immediate 2009-2010 period, spending on community and philanthropic programs and internal capacity-building definitely dropped. But a next wave began. Wall Street financiers, blamed for triggering the crisis, infected a reputational malaise across big business. Smart companies seeking substantive action to repair public and stakeholder trust adopted ESG disciplines.





What will happen at companies most committed to progress? And what shifts might occur within areas of social purpose and sustainability? Here are but a few thoughts and questions.

Are your priorities right?危机往往澄清时预算命令“保存”或什么事情“下降”。对于谁做了正式的实质性评估,可持续性和影响力的领导人,这些框架应指导决策。竞彩足球app怎么下载如果你发现他们都没有,重新考虑如何排名的问题和利益相关者。任何新的优先事项,如员工和客户的健康和安全,动起来的矩阵?


将社会保持距离命中社会投资?Companies prepared for virtual connectivity, both technologically and culturally, will be better poised to shift not only their work-from-home arrangements but their community partnerships. Virtual volunteering is emerging as an efficient way to expand employee volunteerism with nonprofits: Should it grow in the future? Will it work for all companies and their relationships?



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信任和品牌价值,被一些人视为无形观看的,可能有助于证明利润和目的相符。通过后COVID-19的时刻,成功的企业将重新谈判供应链的安排,重组债务,让客户和留住顶尖人才。资金,人员和承诺将流向值得信赖 - 著名公司有纪律,透明度和一致性。

