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Government study says U.S. green jobs are growing strong

Government Finds Green Jobs in America Alive and Well Government study says green jobs in America are going strong. With 3.1 million jobs in the U.S. a new study from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that any reports on the death of clean energy were greatly exaggerated.

新的Green Jobs study从劳动和统计(BLS),对于这种类型的数据最可靠和无党派源局,表明 - 与一些报道相反 - 在这一部门是活的,非常好,提供了有益的推动了我国经济的重建。

Green jobs have tremendous benefits to the workers who hold them, our environment and our country. And it is these benefits that illustrate why we are investing in a green economy and why we need to continue that commitment moving forward.

Among the highlights of the study:


(By comparison, the oil and gas sector creates slightly less than2.2. million jobsaccording the API, the leading oil industry trade group. With nearly 13 million Americans unemployed, every job is important, but if we're arguing economic benefits and growth, it's noteworthy that the green economy provides over 30% more jobs than the oil and gas sector.)

•绿色经济账户制造业就业岗位近50万就业岗位, "the most among any private sector industry" according to BLS.


•加州有最绿色就业机会(338,400),其次是纽约(248,500),得克萨斯州(229 700),宾夕法尼亚州(182,000),伊利诺伊州(139,800)和俄亥俄州(126,900)。有趣的是,石油的d gas sector has a strong presence in most of those states, and I imagine quite bit of energy-related political advertising will be running in the key swing states of PA, IL and OH during the election.


Here are my three key takeaways from this study.

1. With 3.1 million jobs, the BLS study demonstrates the obvious - that green jobs are real, and critical to our rebuilding economy.

It cannot be emphasized strongly enough, especially to the naysayers and critics, that with 3.1 million jobs, this is a very real sector, employing millions of Americans while helping to improve our health and environment. With nearly 13 million Americans out of work right now, the green economy is putting people back to work.

More importantly, the green economy represents a major growth opportunity for America moving forward. Keep in mind that many of these segments are relatively new and have only really been a market presence for a decade or two at most (e.g. clean technologies, efficiency, sustainable products, pollution remediation, etc.).

Other studies, such as theBrookings Clean Economy研究,或E2 Clean Energy Jobsnewsletter, are already finding evidence of strong growth in critical segments of the green economy, many of them these new sectors. Moreover, every other country in the world is also focusing on developing their own green economy, which will provide plenty of demand globally for goods and services of the green economy, and a lot of export opportunities for us if we can take leadership in this sector.

2. These are good jobs for workers and these are good jobs for America.

Certainly the green economy is contributing to reduced pollution and protecting public health -- which are critical priorities. But the BLS study also highlights how the green economy isn't just about keeping kids safe, and our environment clean, it's also about jobs and rebuilding our economy.

Today's green economy is providing stable, high-paying jobs in sectors that are growing rapidly around the world. Further, most of these jobs can't be outsourced (think those in mass transit or pollution remediation, or building retrofits or installing a solar panel), and many of these jobs, especially the 462,000 in the manufacturing sector, are a critical part of American economic resurgence.

These are great jobs for our economy as well -- providing jobs that reduce pollution, protect public health, and build a cleaner, more prosperous future. These are the types of jobs we want to support and promote.

3. There is great importance in continuing to commit to and invest in these green industries.


In general, a one-time investment is not the way to grow a long-term and sustained economy - certainty is critical. To take advantage of the opportunities and benefits described above (a cleaner environment, improved public health, more jobs and long-term economic growth), it will be vital that we continue our commitment to and investment in the green economy.

This article originally appeared on the NRDC's Switchboard blog, and is reprinted with permission.访问NRDCs总机博客


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