2020 was a crazy year. The world experienced an insurmountable amount of loss, disaster and chaos. However, through the mess, we forged a society that was stronger and more connected. We adapted to the pandemic lockdown situation and lifted each other up. We survived natural climate disasters. We empowered others to join global motions for reform.
And we startedvoyagers., a Gen Z platform and community to work with and empower sustainability and innovation in businesses. At the forefront of those movements? Our generation: Gen Z — those born in the mid-to-late 1990s through the early 2010s.
Here are Gen Z’s wins and losses for 2020, from some of our members.
- Sam Burak-Flak,新生,普渡大学,印第安纳州西拉斐特
- Vera Luu,12级,滨海高中,亨廷顿海滩,加利福尼亚州
- 西部大学的Caleigh Campbell,Iney商学院,安大略省,加拿大
- Oluseyi Ogundipe,斯坦福大学新生,斯坦福大学,加利福尼亚州
"I still remember watching TV with my younger sister as Kamala Harris, our nation’s first female vice president-elect, took the stage to deliver her victory speech. It was a jubilant, powerful moment for women across the country, and was a huge step in shattering racial and gender barriers in the U.S."
- Devishi Jha,12级,瓦尔帕莱索高中,瓦尔帕莱索,印第安纳州
- Michigan大学的Charlie Weissman,Michigan大学,密歇根州
"COVID-19 has challenged many to be creative in a home setting. What better way than to experiment with mindful cooking? I challenge myself and you to a zero-waste food regime where you maximize your food output while reducing waste headed to the landfill! Whether it be repurposing, composting or avoiding single-use plastics — get to cooking!"
- 西部大学,加拿大大学锦玛里Wynne,加拿大,加拿大
"The Black Lives Matter movement was a crucial part of this past year. It affected many people and helped me come to the realization of some harsh truths. It also pushed me to teach myself information about topics such as systemic racism and how it is embedded in our society."
— Kamaldeep Dhillon, grade 12, Lincoln M Alexander SS, Ontario, Canada
"Uproar in the U.S. due to systemically ingrained racism, millions of Indian farmers protesting in Delhi, and the fight for climate justice — 2020 taught me that we have to bring power back to the people. Unity, justice and sustainability should revolve around how we recover from this pandemic."
——特蕾莎玫瑰塞巴斯蒂安,第五年,山的慈爱College, Cork, Ireland
"Los Angeles is on fire. Mumbai is flooding. Mexico City has no water. Miami is going underwater. After everything that’s happened this year, it’s clearer than ever that climate change is real and its impacts are global. For me and many other Gen Zers out there, 2020 marks yet another year that the global community has failed to adequately address the climate crisis."
- 索菲亚彭蒂尔塔,9级,巴黎圣母院高中,旧金山湾区,加利福尼亚州
- SRILEKHA CHERUKUVADA,12级,韦斯特伍德高中,德克萨斯州奥斯汀
本文中的所有Gen Zs都是Voyagers大使。有关盗贼的更多信息,请访问www.bevoyagers.org.orhttp://instagram.com/bevoyagers。