
Five Reasons to Manage Your Carbon Through the Cloud


Installed software -- think Excel spreadsheets -- has been many companies’ go-to method for years. Yet with emissions reporting requirements快速发展,内部解决方案根本不再削减它,尤其是随着公开交易公司的排放报告的可能性增加将是一个标准由安全与交易委员会分析(SEC)。


Few professionals outside the high-tech world recognize the benefits cloud computing provides over traditional software, and even fewer understand the distinct advantages cloud computing’s centralized system offers in environmental enterprise resource planning (ERP), including cost savings, convenience, improved data management and performance -- all using world-class software capabilities with no additional expense or resources required. Given these capabilities, it has become evident that the Internet-based architecture of cloud computing is uniquely positioned to meet the increasingly demanding needs of environmental, health and safety requirements.

使用云计算,软件应用程序通过Internet与传统安装软件作为服务交付。基于“软件作为服务”(SaaS)或“按需”交付的互联网方法标志着客户服务器替代方案的重大进步,尤其是对于许多没有技能,经验或可用能力来管理企业的组织- 跨软件解决方案。甚至确实维护IT部门的组织也始终选择SaaS模型来管理碳排放,这是由于安装软件系统所需的大量资源,以确保适当的部署,维护,升级和兼容性。

The bottom line: Cloud computing takes less resources to operate, reduces IT costs and centralizes information, all essential elements in analyzing the highly-distributed, complex nature of greenhouse gas (GHG) data to run an efficient and accurate carbon emissions reporting system.


1. Cloud Computing Saves Time

Unlike traditional client-server software, which often requires complicated and resource-intensive deployments lasting several months, the Web-based cloud computing online delivery model means quicker and easier deployments for companies. Given the hosted nature of cloud applications, in which all maintenance, security and upgrades are the responsibility of the provider, customer organizations can spend less time and resources dealing with software maintenance and support to keep their IT systems working, and more time on their core business.




Since cloud computing providers are responsible for upgrading the software -- a task that often overwhelms client/server software users -- customers are always using up-to-date technology. System updates and maintenance occur automatically and invisibly, at no additional cost.

Plus, product enhancements and updates are made available to all customers instantly. Client server technology, in contrast, requires customers to repurchase system licenses, with re-implementation of the updated system being costly and time consuming.
The on-demand nature of this model makes the software programs as accessible as applications housed on-site, but relieves customers of the responsibility for the maintenance and additional resources, such as staff and operating equipment. On-demand deployment is an irreversible trend that allows a company to continually ride the crest of the technology wave without the need to maintain those specialized skills in house.



Security is always a concern in today’s IT environment. Cloud computing customers benefit from world-class security practices, such as a secure data environment, regular data back-up, SAS 70 Type II compliance, multiple data center locations, full data encryption, and advanced virus protection, without bearing additional cost and work.




The breakthroughs in today’s technology gives cloud computing customers advanced user configurability that is easy and requires no specialized IT skills, thereby enhancing bottom line performance with reduced costs, lower burden and confidently certifiable compliance.


劳伦斯·E·戈德赫赫(Lawrence E. Goldenhersh)是总裁兼首席执行官Enviance,Inc。,基于Internet的软件解决方案提供商,可帮助公司管理碳和其他法规风险。

Image CC licensed by Flickr userD Sharon Pruitt
