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There are about200,000 H-2A visa holders或合法进入美国从事特定农业工作合同的季节性工人。他们只占250万农场工人总数的10%。

F Armstrong Photography


This story was published in partnership withEnlace Latino NC, a Spanish-language digital media nonprofit that covers politics, government, immigration and community affairs in North Carolina.

Léalo en Español en Enlace Latino NC.

2018年9月15日上午,里格斯兄弟农场的40名农工从床上站起来,跳入水中。飓风佛罗伦萨前一天晚上在北卡罗来纳州东部登陆,他们在琼斯县的劳改营里等待风暴的到来。他们争先恐后地抢着自己的东西,趟出了门,掉进齐腰高的水里before spending hours calling 911 and farmworker advocates.Their boss, farm owner Randy Riggs, never showed up.


Two years later and nearly 300 miles away in Alleghany County, Romero faced another emergency: In August, he and 111 other farmworkers at Bottomley Evergreens & Farms tested positive for COVID-19. The outbreak was the state’slargest known coronavirus outbreak in congregate farmworker housing.

Romero的经验是公约提醒,在公共卫生应急或自然灾害,农场工人 - 那些没有记录的人和那些在联邦H-2A工作签证的人之后,往往留下自己。



There are about200,000 H-2A visa holders或合法进入美国从事特定农业工作合同的季节性工人。他们只占250万农场工人总数的10%。For decades, North Carolina processed the most H-2A visas in the country, and still remains in the top five states.

[For] communities of color, undocumented immigrants, people living in poverty due to systemic racism — climate change is hurting them now.

尽管在流感大流行期间有所下降,但根据统计,今年有19050名H-2A工人,占全国总数的8.5%USDOL外国劳工证书办公室— arrived in North Carolina to plant and hand-pick tobacco, sweet potatoes, blueberries and strawberries. Many of them, like Romero, later move west onto pumpkins and Christmas trees in the North Carolina mountains.


What frustrates him about his job is the lack of information, protections and equal rights, which haven’t changed in the more than two decades since he’s been working in the U.S.


"I felt really scared," said Romero.


In 2020, the Trump administration pushed formore H-2A visas during the pandemic, echoing the agricultural industry’s refrain that it was a necessary move to ensure ample food supply. But the administration also proposeda decrease in farmworker wages.

拉丁裔人,尤其是基本工人,受到的影响不成比例by the coronavirus. According to the most recentNational Agriculture Workers survey83%的美国农场工人认为是西班牙裔。安普渡大学正在进行的研究估计,超过240,000名农业工人在11月29日截至全国Covid-19的肯定。但是,国家农业工人健康中心表示,这一数字可能低估了这个数字,因为它不包括合同和临时劳动力。媒体网点的案例已审慎记录,包括a mapping tool by the Food and Environment Reporting Network(FERN).

In May, North Carolina led the nation in COVID-19 outbreaks at meatpacking plants. Yet despite pressure from organizers, the state hasn’t mandated any additional worker protections. In June, 16 North Carolina environmental groups, including the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, signed onto一封信罗伊·库珀要求透明度关于爆发,包括植物的名称,以及更好的工人保护。根据蕨类植物的最新数据,北卡罗来纳州的食品部门工人有4,903个Covid-19案例;535是农业工人。

该州的劳动力和健康和人类服务部门不需要农场所有者为使用Covid-19生病的工人提供替代隔离住房。As first reported in Enlace Latino NCRooper在从州农业和劳工部门推动之后,Cooper撤销了他的承诺,以更好地保护农业工人(他在拉丁X社区领导人的一个虚拟城市领导者中制作的一个人)。

Federal COVID-19 guidelines为农场工人和肉类加工工人提供指导,但没有联邦政府规定的保护措施,声明“雇主可以考虑允许暴露在外且无症状的关键基础设施工人在有必要保留关键基础设施工作场所功能的特定情况下继续工作。”倡导者说,这是行不通的几乎足够了;整个夏天的新闻调查和不断上升的案件数量表明,他们可能没有被认真考虑。


"There has been no investment nor recognition at any level — not local, not state, not federal," said Melissa Bailey Castillo, a North Carolina farmworker advocate for more than 20 years in the nonprofit and healthcare sectors. "It’s as if this is just some mysterious ghost workforce that no one sees or cares about."


A2015年研究on federal migrant farmworker housing described the "structural standards encompassed in the shelter provisions of the OSHA regulations are rudimentary at best," detailing that "water intrusion from leaky foundations and roofs is associated with respiratory disease from molds, viruses, and other sources." Out of 183 farmworker camps in eastern North Carolina, 74 percent of buildings had structural damage.

Nothing in the H-2A visa requirements for employers details mandatory disaster planning in the event of a hurricane. And as Enlace Latino NC reported, rural county emergency management未能达到许多农场工人向他们发出灾难警告。紧急强制疏散命令没有用西班牙语发出,农村地区的互联网接入也很稀少。

During the pandemic, budgets and resources are strained even more. Mike Yoder, coordinator of disaster programs at N.C. Cooperative Extension, said county emergency managers are "totally overwhelmed."

"They work as hard as anybody can possibly work to try to make sure that everyone is taken care of in a response phase in a disaster," he said, although they "struggle to marshal resources."

Yoder said his team is working with the extension’s farmworker education program to better address disaster preparedness for workers — but it’s mostly reactive, not proactive. "We have the right resources in place for our farmworker and Latino communities, but I’m not sure if anyone pursues that during the non-disaster times," he said. "That’s really important, because that’s when you can make things happen."

In 2018, the Farmworker Advocacy Network released a 56-page备灾工具箱详细介绍应对飓风期间农场工人挑战的建议,包括加强与当地政府机构和执法部门的合作,以了解农民住房位于地势低洼、洪水易发地区的位置。它还松散地提到了联邦法规,需要进行防灾更新。

The Migrant Housing Act requires migrant housing operators to request an annual inspection 45 days before the anticipated date of occupancy. North Carolina’s Agricultural Safety and Health (ASH) Bureau responds to complaints and referrals. NCDOL spokesperson Natalie Bouchard said the bureau received one housing complaint after Hurricane Florence, "but it was not related to storm damage" and that ASH "does not blanket an area after a storm to assess damage. Generally, after a major storm, there are no crops left to harvest and the communities shift to survival and clean-up mode."



An ongoing study by Purdue University estimates that more than 240,000 agricultural workers have tested positive for COVID-19 nationwide as of Nov. 29.




"It creates an environment of codependence," Bailey Castillo said. "It’s all designed to ensure they have to rely on the grower or rely on the contractor to get basic necessities, food, housing, and healthcare."

During storms or other emergencies, farmworkers often don’t know where to turn. After Hurricane Florence, Garzón and her staff of four at the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, plus several volunteers, scoured 10 flooded counties looking for workers who called for help. However, many in North Carolina for the first time didn’t know their address or even the county they were in. Immigrant farmworker families who live in North Carolina year-round were calling the ministry as well, saying that they were stranded with infants and children and running out of food.

“而不是呼唤911 [弗兰伦飓风],人们呼唤着我们,”Garzón说。“那是令人震惊的,诚实。我认为人们害怕寻求帮助。”



State law requires a Social Security number to obtain a drivers license. Through the early 2000s, drivers licenses were still given to undocumented immigrants. But in 2005, Gov. Mike Easley, a Democrat, adopted the REAL ID law, which took away the right for thousands of immigrant residents in North Carolina. In the 15 years since, no drivers license bills have been passed by the state legislature.一个国家的账单2019年起草的向“身份有限或没有身份的移民”提供驾照的草案已经停滞不前。

In Enlace Latino NC’s focus groups, several Latinx immigrants expressed concern over police presence on the roads and outside of shelters after Hurricanes Matthew and Florence — especially those without drivers licenses. In a separate interview, one man said he thought if he asked for help after a hurricane, he would end up "trapped" by police.

Since 9/11, FEMA has been under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security. DHS oversees several organizations, including U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In Spanish-speaking communities, both of these groups are commonly referred to asla migra.. 联邦应急管理局还部署边境巡逻队,协助应急响应。

奥巴马政府前联邦应急管理局局长克雷格·福盖特(Craig Fugate)说:“即使国土安全部或政府的其他部门正在(而不是执法部门)开展救灾工作,那些(移民)社区对获得帮助非常谨慎。”。





That means farmworker advocates do most of the work in getting aid to people. Garzón, of the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry, said many H-2A workers apply to her organization’s emergency fund. The ministry was founded in 1982, but its disaster program didn’t start until 2018. Garzón said she has mixed feelings about supporting workers who should be supported by the government — especially when undocumented workers have no protections in comparison.

"I want to help them, but at the same time it’s infuriating," she said. By doing so, it alleviates employers from doing their jobs in providing basic protections for their workers. "Are we subsidizing bad behavior?"

It took a pandemic to raise public awareness of farmworker issues, said Cintia Aguilar, director of Latino programs at North Carolina Cooperative Extension. Her program struggled to reach farmworkers in person this year, but managed to train more than 100 of them at camps on COVID precautions. Hurricane preparedness, however, fell to the wayside.


The Atlantic hurricane season — which ended Nov. 30 — produced a record 30 named storms. North Carolinawas largely spared, but the state can expect more extreme weather events in the future — as evident by the six tornadoes that quickly spurred after飓风Isaias在八月成为登陆以及今年飓风“莎莉”、“埃塔”和“伊奥塔”带来的灾难性降雨和洪水。该州最近的气候评估名称内陆洪水作为农业最大的气候危害,以及一个recent NOAA report把北卡罗莱纳大学和圣列表的顶部ates that can anticipate losing billions of dollars in the next decade due to storms.


气候变化也改变了移民模式。几十年来,移民记者和研究人员都注意到气候变化是促使人们从拉丁美洲向北迁移到美国的一个驱动力。红十字会估计有300万人受到去年11月摧毁中美洲的Iota和Eta飓风的影响。再加上目前的贫困和缺乏经济机会,CNN reported持久的,国标的破坏性影响rms "may eventually even reach distant countries, as Central Americans left desperate and vulnerable by the storms flee abroad."

A2019 report by the Government Accountability Office回顾了美国机构如何应对气候变化作为全球移民的潜在驱动力,并批评特朗普政府没有将气候变化作为一个因素,而是实施更严格的移民政策。当选总统乔·拜登的竞选承诺为农业工作者他将“与国会合作,以基于现有农业职工历史提供法律地位,确保他们可以赚取带薪的时间,并要求劳动和安全规则,包括加班,人性生活条件和免受农药和热暴露的保护。严格执行。“

"The human dimensions of climate change is truly why we’re here, understanding that climate change hits the frontline community first,” said Kathie Dello, North Carolina’s state climatologist. "[For] communities of color, undocumented immigrants, people living in poverty due to systemic racism — climate change is hurting them now."

Policies that address these crises are needed at the state level, too — and local farmworker advocates say they haven’t been able to get answers from officials about specific plans. The working poor factor into the state’s proposed plans to mitigate and handle climate change — and to keep the environment healthy and livable for all residents. But North Carolina’s climate risk assessment and resilience plan released in 2020 only mentions farmworkers once, citing them as a population vulnerable to extreme heat.



