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GreenBiz 350 Podcast

Episode 101: A brewed awakening for bonds; #AllIn at GreenBuild

Week in Review

Tune in 8:15 around for a weekly roundup of news.

1.How Starbucks brewed a stronger sustainability bond

2.How Canopy's founder is winning converts with her gospel of deforestation

3.After the storms, it's microgrid season in the Caribbean

Featured stories

1. Going #AllIn at GreenBuild 17(36:40)

"Don't change your life because of a momentarily bizarre course of human affairs," said former President Bill Clinton to a crowd of building owners, designers, enthusiasts and influencers at Greenbuild 17 in Boston. The conference on green building — and its impact on market and social transformation — was in full force last week, with expansions to Germany, China, India and Chicago planned for next year. Elaine Hsieh captured the buzz in"Greenbuild 17: Resilience and inspiration in the age of Trump."

2. Good COP, bad COP(50:15)

Another "first" under the Trump administration: The first Conference of Parties (COP), held in Bonn, Germany this month, Nov. 6-17. Despite the antagonism of the U.S. federal government, committed countriesand even the American private sector — convened at COP23 to enact the Paris Agreement on climate. Michelle Patron, director of sustainability policy at Microsoft, and Elizabeth Willmott, Microsoft's environmental sustainability program manager, report from abroad. Read ourupdated coverage of the event, too.

What's new at GreenBiz?

News, events, webcasts — the list goes on. Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest in sustainability by keeping up with GreenBiz.

• Save the date forGreenBiz 18,Feb. 6-8in Phoenix, Arizona.

• Check outCenter Stage, our new podcast, which features the best of live interviews on sustainable business and clean technology, conducted on stage at GreenBiz and VERGE conferences.

• TheGreenBiz Intelligence Panelis the survey body we poll regularly throughout the year on key trends and developments in sustainability. To become part of the panel,click here. Enrolling is free and shouldtaketwo minutes.

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