


这是在落基山研究所的首届电力创新实验室点火事件,旗舰Greenbiz的一部分Verge SF有关可持续性和技术的事件竞彩足球app怎么下载。



在RMI团队的指导下,四小时的E LAB IGNITE工作会议的字幕为“在分销边缘找到值”。

ELAB的成员包括州和联邦能源监管机构;主要的公用事业和网格运营商,例如Avista,NRG能量,太平洋天然气和电气,PJM互连,普吉特海湾能源和圣地亚哥天然气和电气Autodesk,Facebook,Hewlett Packard,Microsoft和Yahoo等科技公司;可再生和分布式的能源创新者,包括清洁能源金融,普林斯顿电力,螺旋桨,Sunedison和Sunverge;沃尔玛和美国海军等大型能源消费者;诸如环境国防基金,自然资源国防委员会和世界野生动植物基金等倡导者以及有利的投资者。



“Fifteen years ago, we thought technology could solve our problems. We thought all we had to do was invent the right technologies and deliver them to customers, and our problems would go away. The truth is we have learned that technology didn’t solve the problems. But we have also learned that technology has made huge headway. If we hadn’t gotten the price of solar to where we’ve gotten it over those 15 years, we wouldn’t be sitting in this room. Looking at a specific problem, let us think about how we can apply existing technologies to solve the problem."


“With all the focus on distributed energy resources, and what they are doing to the system, the analogy that comes to my mind is this: we are used to that nice, even concrete floor, but now it’s like walking over sand and you cannot get good traction. The debate in the industry is how or when will this new surface become more stable. When will it go back to that stable concrete floor? My answer to that is, that’s not happening. The situation has changed. Utilities, energy consumers and energy service providers are all creating optionality for themselves. How they interact with each other – that will come from self-interest. I don’t think everybody is going to sit around and say, ‘Let’s globally solve the problem.’ Everybody is going to optimize from their own perspective."

“As a utility customer, I think it’s kind of amazing the level of service we get from electric utilities – every day. The lights are on, our data centers are humming and they do serve their customers. What their customers want is cheap, clean, reliable energy. It is not a goal for us to have distributed energy; we do in some cases, but that is not our goal. So it’s really important to think about what problem we are trying to solve. And in the process it’s important to not destroy the system that’s actually given us really good service. For all the progress that we’ve made, which has been extraordinary in terms of cost, distributed energy isn’t there yet."

“公用事业do amazing things with the resources they put on the grid today on supply side, as part of their capital plans. But this runs us squarely into one of the institutional problems: if a utility makes money on capital and doesn’t make money on distributed energy resources, because the customer owns them, now we have an institutional puzzle that’s solvable – but it is not solved right now."











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