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Dear Shannon



I advise all my clients that you can make a career change — but you can’t change everything all at once. Together, work through interim steps, building the experience, skills, clout and relationships and that will ultimately put their career on the path to that dream role.

My client, Vijay Padmanabhan, is a great example. Our work together focused on making his extensive experience in government and academia relevant to private sector employers. After just six months of actively searching for jobs, Vijay broke into the tech sector by landing a role as Policy Advisor at Google.


香农胡德: Tell me a little bit about what you are doing now.

Vijay Padmanabhan:我正在致力于信托与安全团队,这是一个拥有大约600-700名员工的全球团队。在此之内,我在小政策小组中,我认为整个团队是25人。这是一个非常有趣的立场,因为我们的组织致力于尊重和保护用户。

We write the rules to protect users and our loyalty is ultimately to them. The team is very diverse in terms of backgrounds and skill sets. You need a lot of different skills because job is not just about writing rules but also implementing them so having a lot of different mindsets is crucial. People come from everywhere – engineering, public policy, academia, you name it.


Houde:What do you think was the key to your success from our coaching program?


I wasn’t thinking about myself in terms of skills. It’s all about identifying what you like to do at work and finding the right language to present that as relevant for your audience. That’s the key. Ask yourself, what are the skills you really want to develop? In my role now, I get to do what I love and what I am good at but I am also always looking to continue growing and developing new skills and relationships.


Padmanabhan:I think we worked together for 6 months before I got this job, which is pretty fast, considering I didn’t really put myself out there until about 3 months in when we had been prepping for a while.

Houde:How did you find the job?




Houde:That’s right. Things are so competitive now that you do have to do everything you can to get that extra leg up. Use your first and second connections on LinkedIn to get in front of a real person. I am still a stickler for phone calls, too, if you can get a phone number.

Just yesterday I had a client, a Yale graduate, who was applying to Clif Bar. She got on LinkedIn, had a second connection to the hiring manager, who also went to Yale. She used Rapportive, a Chrome extension, to guess her email address. And we then crafted a very short three-line message directly to the hiring manager. She is interviewing there this week so stay tuned.


Padmanabhan:The role is very heavy on stakeholder engagement– internal more than external. To succeed you have to build and develop the right relationships with different internal organizations, for example, with the Product team.


Houde:What is the key to issue spotting?


If you are the type of person that just wants to be given a project, that is not really what this work is about. To be successful on this team, it’s more about, ‘let me go out and find a project or make a project’.


Padmanabhan:Mainly, the diversity of backgrounds of people in here. Almost no one on my team comes from tech. Most of the profiles are of people that have done a lot of different things.

Houde:So then what do you think is the common factor for hiring to this team?

Padmanabhan:Google is looking for people who have the skills to succeed in this particular environment – problem solving, stakeholder engagement, communications. It’s hard to find the whole package of people who are effective and aggressive at delivering on these.

Houde:That’s interesting because I see a lot of people selling themselves to have these skills, so I am wondering what’s the next layer at Google to really find the right people. Do you think this is one reason the interviews are hypothetical as opposed to competency-based?

Padmanabhan:Yes, they are looking to see how you think. You have to be entrepreneurial no matter what your job function. This environment can be a very critical environment since it’s driven by engineering and testing. You have to find a way to frame your contribution in a way that engineers appreciate.


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