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报告报告是每月对可持续业务和清洁技术研究的最新总结,该研究由Corporate Eco Forum,由大型全球公司组成的启示会员组织,在高级执行层面上表现出对可持续性作为业务战略问题的认真承诺。竞彩足球app怎么下载

加利福尼亚绿色创新指数(Next10) finds that California’s GDP increased by nearly $5,000 per person — nearly double the overall increase achieved in the U.S. — since the state’s climate law was passed in 2006; while per capita emissions decreased by 12 percentfrom 2006-2015. The report also finds that job growth in California was 27 percent stronger than the rest of the country between 2006-2015. However, GHGs reductions have stalled, falling just 0.34 percent between 2014 and 2015.

100 percent Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World(Joule)发现,到2050年,139个国家可以实现100%可再生能源的过渡。studyby Stanford professor Mark Jacobson and his colleagues. The study sets out roadmaps toward achieving 100 percent renewable energy in 139 countries by 2050, which could eliminate 4-7 million air pollution deaths annually and create over 24 million long-term, full-time jobs.

Wasted 2.0: How America is Losing up to 40 Percent of its Food From Farm to Fork to Landfill(NRDC) provides updated statistics on the environmental, economic, and social impacts of wasted food in the U.S., analyzes progress made on food waste since 2012, and offers policy solutions to further progress in key areas. The report finds that more than 400 pounds of food is thrown away per person annually in the U.S. The report also finds that the total amount of food wasted in the U.S. every year requires 21 percent of the water used by the U.S. agricultural industry, creates climate pollution equivalent to 37 million cars, and accounts for 21 percent of the material that goes into landfills.

Sustainable Signals: New Data from the Individual Investor(摩根士丹利)通过个人投资者和千禧一代的态度,看法和行为来评估可持续投资的状态。关键发现包括以下内容:

  • 75%的个人投资者和86%的千禧一代对可持续投资感兴趣。
  • 71 percent of investors polled agreed that good social, environmental and governance practices can potentially lead to higher profitability and may be better long-term investments.
  • 80 percent of individual investors and 89 percent of Millennials are interested in sustainable investments that can be customized to meet their interests and goals.
  • 去年,有61%的千禧一代至少采取了一种面向可持续性的投资行动。竞彩足球app怎么下载
  • 90 percent of Millennial investors expressed interest in pursuing sustainable investments as part of their 401(k) portfolios.

建立可持续的,包容性的运输系统:未来的框架好用的买球外围app网站(PwC) argues that a new approach to transportation planning is needed to deliver sustainable, inclusive transportation systems that meet the needs of rapidly growing populations around the world. The report suggests a Total Appraisal approach, which takes into account the economic, social, and environmental impacts of transport-related investments.

Competitive Agility Index(Accenture Strategy) analyzes 5,200 data points from more than 350 companies across 9 industries to identify thecompanies that are best positioned for future competitiveness. The analysis finds that companies with an interdependent strategy focused equally on growth, profitability, and sustainability and trust are best positioned for future competitiveness; a $30 billion automotive or industrial company could potentially unlock $1 billion in revenue if it implements an interdependent strategy with equal focus on all three competitiveness dimensions.

Investor Concern for Forests: Can Shareholders Prompt Companies to Take Action?(Global Canopy Programme) finds that 52 percent of Ceres Investor Network member-led shareholder proposals aimed at addressing deforestation risks in companies’ supply chains between 2011 and 2017 resulted in a commitment related to the issue raised by the proposal.

化学足迹项目2017年度报告(Chemical Footprint Project) assesses thechemicals management policies and practicesof 24 companies, including HP Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Sealed Air, and more. The report finds that 42 percent of participating companies calculated their chemical footprints. The report also finds that 13 percent of participating companies reduced their use of chemicals of high concern in products by 416 million pounds over the past two years.

Our Nation’s Air 2017(美国EPA)发现,在1970年至2016年期间,六种普通空气污染物的排放量下降了73%,而在同一时期,美国经济几乎增加了两倍。该报告还发现,一氧化碳水平降低了77%,空气中的铅浓度下降了99%,自1990年以来,二氧化碳污染物降低了85%。

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