


担任理查德布兰森支持气候智库的启动董事碳战室2009年,彼得博德德在2014年底担任组织的首席运营官。围绕那段时间,碳战室合并the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Boyd, meanwhile, has a total of more than 15 years of strategy, marketing, operations and management experience in the private sector, from serving as CEO of Virgin Mobile South Africa to VP of Marketing at Virgin Mobile USA. He recently has shifted his attention to a new social enterprise, Time4Good.

A graduate of Oxford University with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics, Boyd started his career with McKinsey & Co. Parallel to his tenure at Carbon War Room, he served as chair of the U.K.’s Energy Efficiency Deployment Office, advising on accelerating efficiency improvements across the economy. He is also on the advisory board for the World Bank’s Sustainable Development Network, the Corporate Responsibility Officers Association and Climate Nexus.

The following Q&A is an edited excerpt from a Sustainable Business Fridays conversation Feb. 6 with theBard MBA in Sustainability program,位于纽约市。这次每月两次拨入谈话具有来自全球的可持续发展领导者。竞彩足球app怎么下载

BARD MBA:我想从碳战室的主页开始引用:“几乎所有符合我们全球2020个排放减少的所有技术都存在于今天存在。”

The organization’s mission is to accelerate adoption of business solutions that reduce carbon emissions at the gigaton scale and advance the low-carbon economy. Peter, can you please get us started with your background in sustainable business, how the Carbon War Room came to be and your involvement as COO?

彼得博德:我一直是维珍集团的一段时间 - 我在12年内有10个职位。当我在Virgin Mobile南非的首席执行官职位时,我们在Richard Branson的家中发表了会议。我们正在检查不同的企业如何进行,但在停机时间,我们正在谈论对理查德和其他人令人困扰或挑战的那一天的问题。其中一个是环境。


But in the environmental discussion, I was able to bring up some models like the elders.org, part of Virgin Unite, Virgin’s social foundation. Within that sphere of influence, a major effort to coordinate work on AIDS and HIV in southern Africa, which was near and dear to my heart being a CEO of a South African company where 15 percent of my team had HIV.

思想是,“如果环境上有类似的东西,那就不会太好?”- 协调努力使企业家共同实现环境解决方案中的商业机会。因此,战争室件更像是克林顿媒体战争房间而不是军事类比。我们如何让企业企业家都指向同一方向?



Bard MBA: When I contacted you earlier this week, you were working under a tight deadline for something that you said you could announce today. So is our Sustainable Fridays Podcast about to get a scoop?

Boyd:It’s almost a scoop, it’s a 24-hours-after-the-fact scoop. After the merger of Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room, I saw a great opportunity to move on to the next thing. One of those next things was the B-Team.

B-Team是Richard Branson和其他业务图标集中在一起,专注于使用业务作为一种力量。我一直在帮助气候顾问。现在正在发生的事情发生在政府之间的巴黎交易。

我们正在为非常雄心勃勃的目标召唤。We wanted to get a letter in Christiana Figueras’ lap that effectively said, "Dear Christiana Figueras, we call on you to call on the governments to put a zero emission by 2050 ambition employed in the text. Whatever that adds up for individual country ambitions, we want the text to include that overarching goal."


Bard MBA: Let’s go back to the recent merger you mentioned between the Rocky Mountain Institute and Carbon War Room. Can you tell us how the merger was envisioned to bring the two groups together?



So with the merger, you’ve got the Carbon War Room engaging entrepreneurs and investors and RMI producing an immense amount of solid work. Mergers are the order of the day in business, but it doesn't often happen in the nonprofit sector. It was really nice to see people effectively saying, "Well, we’re actually better together. Rather than making a new, splintered voice, let’s combine to make a voice that is clear."

BARD MBA:这是一个非常有趣的,特别是您在来自非营利和商业部门的可持续发展中看到思想领导者。竞彩足球app怎么下载彼得,专门在碳战区的工作,你能描述一下你在那些对我们作为一个星球移动前进的巨大影响吗?




The other key market failure was similar to insulating a rented building. The landlord doesn’t want to insulate because it’s not his electricity bill and the tenant doesn’t want to do it because it’s not their building. Turns out, 70 percent of the fuel used in the industry was paid for by the cargo owner, not by the ship owner.

On the information side, we created the first index for ships. Just like you have the Energy Star rating, we created a database online for free onwww.shippingefficiency.org.。第二条赛道然后说:“好吧,这一切都很好,但谁将采取行动?”我们作为企业家非政府组织,我们去了燃料买家并询问,“为什么你没有从货物上保存2亿美元的燃料费用?你可以是,只是通过使用索引。“

It’s a good example where, if you take a step back and say there’s money to be made here, entrepreneurship can really power change without too much meddling or extra regulation from government. We just have to solve those market failures to get money flowing in the right way. We then look at that principle and say which other sectors could we potentially help in the same way.




In terms of where is the biggest business opportunity? There is a huge business opportunity in energy efficiency, in residential, commercial and industrial.

Bard MBA: You are someone who looks at every problem as an opportunity. How does that relate to your new non-profit, Time4Good?

Boyd:是,I am launching a new business, a social business, attacking another market failure that has been close to my heart for the last few years dealing with the kind of people that I’ve been dealing with. Lord Stern has said that climate change is the single biggest market failure that we have.

That got me thinking about other market failures that I can turn my attention towards and one of those is time. This led me to my new business, Time4Good. I am creating a business where 90 percent of the revenue will actually go to charity through a product designed around those whose demand on their time far outweighs their supply.



从那里,90%的收入转到慈善机构 - 70%的慈善机构进入了慈善机构,10%的慈善机构和我的慈善机构篮子里10%。这个想法是创造一个三重胜利。理查德是放松的,所有20,000封电子邮件都被回复,请求者知道他们是本周的,下周疯狂地准备,而慈善机构则获得利益。


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