


Ten months ago,巴黎协定— a rare accord in terms of the level of international cooperation it warranted— was signed. Countries came together and put aside their economic and geopolitical differences and made historic progress in the battle to halt the pace of climate change. In Paris, we were equipped with the will and international policy obligation to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy.


On its current trajectory, Earth will heat up by 3.7 degrees Celsius by the end of the century and will have irretrievably changed, even if all the actions promised in the Paris Agreement are fully implemented. In 2018, nations will be encouraged to reconsider the agreement and look at how to ratchet up their commitment and activity levels. This is vital if we are to meet the target of capping global warming at 2 degrees. The commitment to a cap "well below" 2 degrees requires even more far-reaching and urgent action.

看着能量三元素,很明显,在满足巴黎的目标方面已经取得了一些进展。今天发布,今年活力Trilemma Index,由世界能源委员会与合作伙伴关系奥利弗·怀曼(Oliver Wyman),已经看到许多国家在平衡三个三元目标目标方面取得了真正的进步:能源安全;能源权益(包括访问和负担能力);和环境可持续性。竞彩足球app怎么下载清洁形式的能源用于支持能源通道和经济增长,可再生能源在2015年占原始能源消耗的9.7%。

那些取得最大进步的国家主要是以强大合作为特征的地区的一部分:在排名前十的国家中,有9个在欧洲经济领域内。三核指数的底部由撒哈拉以南非洲主导。该地区的国家可以获得丰富的资源 - 无论是水力发电,其他可再生资源,例如太阳能和地热或化石燃料 - 但缺乏连通性意味着一个国家的资源并不利于整个地区。


The complexity of issues facing the globalized energy industry are impossible for countries to tackle in isolation.



For example, the U.K. has for the first time fallen out of the top 10 performers and is on the "negative watch" list. Challenges in terms of improving affordability and delivering security of supply as North Sea assets deplete, coupled with run-down, worn-out legacy infrastructure, including coal-fired generation (last year it was proposed that all the country’s coal-fired power stations would be closed by 2025), has left the U.K. with a potential energy gap. Renewables are increasing as a percentage of the U.K. energy mix, but their output is not yet at a level where energy security can be guaranteed.





