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That is the core message this month from research by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), which outlines a set of five key actions banks and other financial firms can take to help respond to the biodiversity and climate crises, de-risking their investments in the process.

Released in mid-January, the report from CISL's Centre for Sustainable Finance focuses on soft commodities, such as palm oil, soy, beef and timber products, which are responsible for most deforestation worldwide caused by commercial agriculture.

Banks often provide finance and financial services to companies along these supply chains, indirectly contributing to deforestation and land-use change, which make up the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after the burning of fossil fuels. In 2019,森林砍伐负责全球排放量的11%, and growing demand for land for palm oil, cattle and soy production continues to drive destruction of critical forests and habitats worldwide. Banks often support commercial agricultural firms responsible for these activities through loans, trade finance, bond and fund structuring, capital raising and project finance.



Due to their role in offering financial support for agricultural firms, they can act as intermediaries for financial incentives that can increase the supply of deforestation-free and forest-restorative soft commodities, according to the report. That is because they have access to both businesses along the soft commodities supply chain and impact investors looking to tackle global challenges, as well as risk assessment expertise and data about client operations.

但是,CISL可持续金融中心主任尼克·维利尔斯(Nick Villiers)警告说,这种潜力尚未完全实现,并且在本地和全球银行及其客户之间迫切需要更多的协作,以帮助推动可能停止森林砍伐的变化。他说:“我们的行动计划映射了银行可以在解决森林砍伐方面发挥独特的作用,并旨在促进银行业及其他地区的进一步行动。”“通过共同行动,银行可以帮助经济重新连接,动员和构建融资,从而支持无森林砍伐和森林恢复性的软商品生产。”

CISL's report came asthe U.K. this month joined more than 50 countries worldwide为了在2030年保证保护30%的土地和海洋,这是在法国,联合国和世界银行主办的一个星球峰会上宣布的高野心联盟和人民的一部分。此外,威尔士亲王公布了新的“ Terra Carta”宪章旨在鼓励企业同意在未来十年内采取一系列雄心勃勃的行动,以打击气候和自然破坏。该倡议还得到了一项新的自然资本投资联盟的资产经理联盟,旨在到2022年朝这个方向付款100亿美元的资本分配。

While hopes are high that such moves can help catalyze more ambitious, concerted action to avert the rapid, escalating declines nature and wildlife worldwide at the vital upcoming COP15 U.N. biodiversity summit to be hosted in China this year, such efforts have been met with skepticism given the ongoing failure of the international community and corporates to meet existing biodiversity and deforestation targets.

Despite the U.N. declaring a "decade of biodiversity" from 2011 to 2020, not one of the 20 global targets agreed by nations worldwide a decade ago have been met, prompting Swedish activist Greta Thunberg to argue slow progress on the issue threatens to lock in "decades of further destruction."

Ineffective voluntary commitments are not working — there needs to be real accountability for the financial institutions that are bankrolling deforestation and forest-related human rights abuses.

Meanwhile, it has been estimated thatevery six seconds a football pitch-sized area of primary forest is lost, with corporates having fallen badly short of meeting a到2020年提供零森林砍伐的高档目标。同时,冠状病毒危机与去年联合国召集的自然和世界顶级科学家的破坏和世界顶级科学家有关警告世界是一个“大流行时代”as a result of the ongoing degradation of natural habitats.




Simon Connell, head of sustainability strategy at banking giant Standard Chartered and chair of CISL's Banking Environment Initiative, said the action plan provide the wider banking industry with "a way to engage with tangible methods for collective action on deforestation."


然而,firms in the CGF — including those signed up to the Compact — have failed to meet他们的2020目标。因此,该报告吸引了一些绿色运动者的批评,他们强调了自愿行业措施的持续失败,例如在全球农业供应链中打击森林砍伐,生物多样性损失和人权侵犯时,软商品紧凑。

Jo Blackman, head of forest policy and advocacy at Global Witness, said the Compact had "clearly failed to rein in" banks financing of deforestation, and called for greater accountability, regulation and governance to ensure compliance with existing regulations and a renewed effort to meet deforestation goals.


"Ineffective voluntary commitments are not working — there needs to be real accountability for the financial institutions that are bankrolling deforestation and forest-related human rights abuses," she said. "While we welcome the report's call for government regulation to ensure mandatory due diligence on deforestation risks in supply chains, banks cannot be let off the hook."


"The diverse group of banks and other stakeholders needed to deliver the action plan has yet to be formed," it states. "This Plan aims to catalyze banks and stakeholders toward action. During 2021, CISL will seek expressions of interest from the wider financial sector, corporates, NGOs, policymakers and funders to together develop and implement the action plan."




