


你好,读者!上周我想念你。你可能没有注意到,但我太忙了我们VERGE 19事件(视频存档这里),我跳过了上周的运输周刊。


对我来说一个亮点上周获得采访加州空气资源委员会主席和清洁空气的战士的机会玛丽·尼科尔斯。尼科尔斯已经45年的环保律师,提起她的第一个诉讼反对在1975年她一直在帮助领导对特朗普的管理,其中撤销加州的豁免集清洁汽车尾气排放标准比联邦政府的战斗环保局回来。她还领导一个独特的框架的建立四个汽车制造商 -宝马大众汽车本田- 在签署同意符合国家严格的汽车尾气排放码。



为什么运好用的买球外围app网站输标准是至关重要的:"I believe in technology’s ability to transform us, not just because it’s inherently good ... but because I've seen what happens if you set a standard by regulation, and then turn the ingenuity of our inventors to work. You can get technology to come forward, and it always seems to be cheaper than everybody said it was going to be."


"And we have to get a handle on the amount of overall driving that we’re doing because our VMT, vehicle miles traveled, have risen at about twice the rate of our population. For people moving into cities, in theory, they shouldn't have to drive as much because they're living in a more compact area. But because of mistakes we've made in the past with planning, we’ve made it hard for people to get around without cars. ... We have to have buses that go to where people need to go and are responsive to the changes in patterns of where people go to work, and those buses also have to be zero-emission."


为什么有些汽车制造商一样 - 或者没有 - 号到加州的协议:“那到框架正式签署了四家公司是看到了未来在零方向上的所有公司。这是大众汽车,其中有一个濒死体验时,它遇上了大规模的作弊丑闻的柴油车,所以决定这将是它的机会重拍公司...




经验教训关于围绕建设问题达成共识:"I think it’s always important to be looking ahead and looking toward what strategies maybe haven’t been tried, as well as fishing around in your attic for things that have been done before or have worked before, but haven’t been tried in a while. This framework agreement is essentially a voluntary standard and we can’t force anyone to comply with our standard. We’re basically saying come enter in an agreement with us, sign a memorandum and we’ll have a voluntary agreement and we’ll get the same results that we do with regulation.

“这是一个想法,其实我帮助提出早在克林顿时期,当我们在试图在东北满足臭氧标准的工作。......我们去了业界,并要求他们同意一些标准,他们would have fought to the death if we had tried to impose them by regulation. ... This was not a new invention from this past year; we’ve been here before.

