
一个pple, Akamai, Etsy and Swiss Re get together to buy clean power

If you study lists enumerating corporate contracts to buy renewable energy, one thing becomes clear very quickly — it’s tough to find a deal for less than 20 megawatts of capacity, a factor that has discouraged many would-be buyers with loads far less than that amount.

The smallest power purchase agreement listed on theGreenBiz quarterly tracker for Q2例如,媒体组织彭博的17 MW交易。实际上,找到小于的安排很难5兆瓦合同1月份宣布在数据中心公司铁山和可再生电源之间。


集体,公司致力于购买290兆瓦的电力能力 - 足够的电力为74,000家住宅服务 - 来自两个项目。具体而言,他们的各种电力购买协议从芝加哥附近的风电场签署了125兆瓦,是Geronimo Energy,来自弗吉尼亚州的太阳能植物的165兆瓦被推车(AES和Aimco公司)带到了生命。这两个安装都在未来两年内进行联系。


“他们为我们提供了安全网,”瑞士Revishience Reventaiver经理Lasse Wallquist表示,“竞彩足球app怎么下载

“这些术语完全与我们的需求保持一致,”Chelsea Mozen表示,Itsy的可持续发展领导者表示,他们一直在搜索在10兆瓦以下的交易一段竞彩足球app怎么下载时间内。她说,该交易将使该公司能够满足其宣布的目标,以至于2020年的100%。“我们一直在寻找一段时间。”

The size of the individual virtual PPAs used to cover this capacity was not disclosed, and Apple declined to comment on those details on the record.


这四家公司如何聚集在一起的背部具有许多曲线曲折。但是这个想法诞生于伴侣谈话 - 您可以调用他们治疗会议 - 在行业聚会期间,包括由岩石山研究所商务可再生能源中心策划的峰会会议。


瑞士重复 - 一个创始成员RE 100 pledge- Wallquist说,最初看着欧洲的交易机会。但由于重新保险公司的业务的一大部分,在美国生成,3Degrees(它用作顾问)建议它考虑与其他三家公司对齐。本周宣布的交易将有助于公司为其美国运营达到100%可再生电力目标。

While the process was far from simple, three unifying factors helped make the decision-making priorities clearer, according to Etsy and Swiss Re.

一个ll of the companies believed strongly that the installations be located in regions close to their actual operations, which was a big factor in the decision to opt for projects in the PJM region. Akamai is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Etsy hails from Brooklyn, New York. While Swiss Re supports many small offices across the United States, it has a big presence in Armonk, New York, where a solar plant covers 60 percent of its power consumption.

None of the companies was willing to purchase unbundled renewable energy certificates (RECs) as part of the transaction. "It was critical for us, at least, to maximize our impact from an ecological perspective," Mozen said.

They hired an intermediary, 3Degrees, to help orchestrate the process. While Apple was clearly the lead decisionmaker, this move was instrumental for ensuring consensus and keeping the discussions on track, according to Etsy and Swiss Re. For this role, 3Degrees received a consulting fee that was handled and billed separately from the PPAs themselves.

[了解有关可再生能源买家如何在合作的情况下尝试的更多信息边缘18.in October in Oakland, California.]

Will there be more deals like this in the future, where corporate buyers essentially "aggregate" their demand to negotiate with project developers? Wallquist said his team will call upon its experience with this deal to evaluate future opportunities in places in Europe and India, where it currently must purchase RECs to offset its renewable energy commitment.

Erin Craig, vice president of the energy and climate practice at 3Degrees, described the deal announced this week as a proof-of-concept. "We definitely find it's valuable from this standpoint," she said. "It certainly shows that companies can collaborate this way, and that they all feel they got something good out of it."

Butcollaborations of this natureare still relatively rare. Another example that organizations should study closely comes from Europe, where chemical company AkzoNobel, tech firm Google, biotech and health sciences organization DSM and health tech multinational Philips have joined forces to negotiate at least two PPAs for wind farms in the Netherlands. As of December, they had disclosed two contracts: one for the 102-MW Krammer Wind Park, the other for the 340-MW Bouwdokken Wind Project.

“共同的领导被证明是联盟达成互利交易能力的关键部分,”帝斯曼的可再生能源项目总监SIMA VAN DER LINDE表示,在达姆,在关于该交易的陈述中。“我们很重要,我们将能够在2025年之前推进我们50%购买可再生电力的目标。”

与苹果交易不同,涉及每个参与者的独立PPA,欧洲联盟在涉及购买过程时,欧洲联盟将项目视为等于的项目关于模型的案例研究(PDF)prepared by the Rocky Mountain Institute and a presentation at a recent BRC gathering in New Jersey. In other words, each company buys 25 percent of the capacity under the same financial terms. They share risks in the same way. Their first contract took 36 months to negotiate; the second took half that time.

That said, the participants also have divvied up certain responsibilities, based on expertise. AkzoNobel managed communications, DSM and Google contributed their legal knowledge and Philips drove the accounting processes.

This year already has been a record-breaker when it comes to corporate renewable energy procurement, according to data released in early August by Bloomberg NEF. So far, companies have contracted for 7.2 gigawatts of clean power in 2018, more than the 5.4-GW record set in 2017.

在纸上,Facebook一直是2018年更具侵略性的买家,购物中有1.1 GW;AT&T是2号,其中820兆瓦,其次是铝业公司Norsk Hydro。

一个bout 60 percent of the renewable electricity covered under these corporate purchases will come from projects in the United States. But Europe has also had a record year for renewables procurement, according to the data, with 1.6 GW in clean power transactions disclosed so far this year.

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