Anheuser-Busch, Kimberly-Clark amp up wind power commitments
对于肠道检查复杂性 - 以及有兴趣购买可再生能源的公司,思考:Brewer Anheuser-Busch评估了75个项目,并在签署了俄克拉荷马州上周披露的大规模电力购买协议之前,与15个可能的合作伙伴进行了会谈enel绿色电力拥有的风电场。
例如,在克拉马克克拉克的情况下,俄克拉荷马州(EDF可再生能源)和德克萨斯州德克萨斯州(Invenergy)的岩石风风的新交易应该帮助公司达到4年前的温室气体排放目标据丽莎梅登(Lisa Morden)的全球可持续发展负责人预期。竞彩足球app怎么下载该项目预计将于2017年底和2018年第二季度进行业务。
"The two renewable energy projects, combined with a number of other energy initiatives across the company, put Kimberly-Clark on track to deliver significant multimillion-dollar cost savings from energy and climate projects by 2022," Morden said. "It's a powerful demonstration of sustainability initiatives having both great environmental and business benefits."
Anheuser-Busch的交易与Beermaker的比利时母公司Anheuser-Busch Inbev渴望来源联系在一起100%的权力到2025年,在全球范围内,在全球范围内进行大约6个区域,需要运行其运营。当它宣布其目标时,大约是7%的时间。通过这个最新的项目,它在全球范围内更接近25%。
The contract disclosed last week covers 152.5 megawatts of capacity from the Thunder Ranch project in Garfield, Kay and Noble counties in Oklahoma. That's essentially half of the planned total output for the facility. It represents about 610 gigawatt-hours of clean energy annually — enough electricity to brew up 20 billion 12-ounce servings of its brands such as Michelob.
根据新的虚拟PPA之前,只有2%的Anheuser-Busch的北美电源是由可再生能源覆盖的,这主要是由于现场投资在酿造其品牌的场地的太阳能,沼气,风和其他替代技术的现场投资。Anheuser-Busch总裁兼首席执行官Joao Castro在简要介绍这项交易时发言。
所以这代表了Beermaker的比利时母公司Anheuser-Busch Inbev排列的100%可再生目标的巨大飞跃back in March加入气候集团的RE100倡议时。该公司在全球范围内使用近6个走势。当它宣布其目标时,大约是7%的时间。通过这个最新项目,它更接近25%。
The company's aim is to source all of its purchase electricity from renewable sources by 2025, and Castro hinted that more deals are to come in the relatively near future. He described the strategy as the best path forward from an operational standpoint "all stakeholders" in the company. "We as a management team believe this is the right thing to do," Castro said.
"We have the potential to make a big impact much sooner," Castro said.
The company didn't disclose the terms of the deal, such as length of the contract or the price per megawatt, but Enel Green Power's overall investment in the project was previously pegged at $435 million. The company, a subsidiary of Italian power company Enel, managers about 39 gigawatts of solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydropower projects around the world.
雷霆牧场风电场产生的力量将由雷牧场产生的电力直接提供一小部分,因为它在俄克拉荷马州雇用了700人。但与许多VPPA有许多情况一样,其余的将被添加到其他客户能够使用它的地区的本地网格中,即企业社会责任副总裁Katja Zastrow表示,更好的世界,更新世界Anheuser-Busch。这意味着该公司仍将需要为身体交付的其他电力来源合同,在您身体上携带的其他地点.Anheuser-Busch将保留并退出与PPA相关的可再生能源信贷。
俄克拉荷马是风卡帕的第三大国家city at the beginning of 2017, with about 6,645 megawatts. The market dynamics shifted there last spring when Gov. Mary Fallin approved a bill ending a major tax incentive for plants put into service after July, citing the state's budget shortfalls. That was three years earlier than anticipated.