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7 EV货车和卡车公司,有2022年大计划




The electrification of these medium and heavy-duty transport methods has become a vital component in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. In 2019, these vehicles alone发射了4.44亿吨二氧化碳。自1990年以来,这些运输方式的温室气体排放百分比增长了90%以上。好用的买球外围app网站在美国,他们占全球道路货物二氧化碳排放量的18%。


While the manufacturers are the ones building out these new electric heavy-duty trucks and vans, the efforts do not fall on them alone as partnerships with logistics and retail companies and local governments to reach the goal continue to grow.

例如,EPA为通过资金,赠款和其他激励措施提供了提高运输运输效率的公司好用的买球外围app网站SmartWay program。去年夏天,西班牙政府答应投资51亿美元为了使电动汽车的生产作为主要国家支出计划的一部分。

在接下来的几年中,许多这些汽车制造商计划不仅介绍其电气化的卡车舰队,还计划成为一个需要看到重大变化以对温室气体排放产生持久影响的领导者。根据a report by Quince Market Insight,在2021年,全球电动卡车市场规模的价值为6.7亿美元,预计在2020年至2030年之间增长了23.5%。


尽管每个人都同意通电运输的旅程将需要数年才能找到自己的路公司电动汽车联盟- 提供有关其购买计划的更多详细信息。考虑到您的考虑,这里有七家卡车运输公司在2022年有庞大的计划 - 尽管从长远来看肯定还有其他球员可以观看。您可以查看我们正在观看的其他公司2020and2021editions of this list.

BrightDrop 600货车



2021年,通用汽车(GM)推出了Brightdrop,是一家新的子公司,以帮助支持交付和物流部门的可持续性工作。竞彩足球app怎么下载为了开始今年,通用汽车在与沃尔玛签署协议,保留5,000辆EV600卡车及其中型电动货车,EV410。GM also received an order from FedEx for 2,000 more vehicles over the next several years. The order could potentially increase FedEx’s fleet to include 20,000 electric vans.


For FedEx and Walmart, the purchases from BrightDrop are a combination of savings and sustainability. The cost to charge its EVs is about 75 percent less than to fuel a similar gas-powered vehicle, according to information published by BrightDrop. With both FedEx and Walmart announcing goals to have zero-emissions delivery fleets by 2040, the purchase of BrightDrop models only furthers their push to become net-zero carbon emitters.

Electric Last Mile Solutions

Electric Last Mile Solutions CEO and co-founder Jim Taylor used to be an executive at GM as the CEO of the Hummer brand. Image courtesy of Electric Last Mile Solutions

Electric Last Mile Solutions

专注于建造负担得起的电池供电的商用车,Electric Last Mile Solutions(ELMS) is ready to become a big player in the EV freight transportation space this year.

This North American manufacturer is not just promising to introduce a vehicle in the next year or two, it is already building and delivering all-electric delivery vans. ELMS Urban Delivery van is tailor-made for couriers, contractors (painters, plumbers, roofers) and other businesses in need of long-lasting commercial vehicles.

12月,榆树宣布了Glovis America的订单,美国,加拿大和墨西哥的全球供应链和物流提供商。



Urban送货面包车还配备了由CATL提供的41千瓦时电池组,ELMS估计将提供110英里的范围。一个电动机曲柄降低了60kW的魅力,约80马力。最高速度为55英里 /小时,足以用于服务和商用车辆。

ELMS总部位于密歇根州特洛伊市,在印第安纳州的Mishawaka拥有一家制造厂,具有讽刺意味的是,在一家老Hummer工厂,该工厂被改建为建造电动汽车。首席执行官兼联合创始人吉姆·泰勒(Jim Taylor)曾经是通用汽车公司(GM)担任悍马品牌首席执行官的执行官。


Kenworth T680E的最高时速为65英里,这是某些州半速度的速度限制。图片由肯沃思(Kenworth)提供


Earlier this month, Kenworth of Kirkland, Washington, unveiled an electric version of its zero-emissions T680E semi-truck. While it's not the company’s first battery-powered hauler, it's certainly the heaviest and largest model in the 98-year-old manufacturer’s fleet of EV trucks.

The T680E is designed for pickup and delivery applications, regional hauling and is also available as a day cab tractor or straight truck. It is also the company’s first Class 8 battery-electric truck — which Kenworth states can be fully charged in about three hours.

根据肯沃思(Kenworth)的说法,手机为动力总成提供了536马力的连续功率,峰值功率的670马力和1,623磅英尺的扭矩。T680E具有65英里 /小时的最高速度,在某些州的半速度限制,其估计范围检查为150英里。考虑到一些柴油动力的卡车能够使300加仑的坦克持续约2,000英里,这很低。

Still, this new addition to the Kenworth fleet is just another part of its own绿色计划为了有助于零排放溶液,这些解决方案已经包括其他两辆卡车 - K270E和K370E,都是中型型号。

Nikola Motors

一家南加州卡车公司在2022年初驾驶尼古拉的卡车;如果成功的话,该公司的目标是在2022年向该客户交付30个TRE BEV。图片由Nikola提供

Nikola Motors

宣布其两年后亚利桑那州柯立芝的6亿美元工厂, Nikola will begin a pilot program with a Southern California trucking company, which would test two electric test trucks with hopes of striking a deal for full-scale production by the end of 2022.

两辆TRE BEV卡车用于总运输服务(TTSI),这是一家在洛杉矶和长滩港好用的买球外围app网站口运营的卡车运输公司。如果试验成功,尼古拉的目标是在2022年向该公司提供30个TRE BEV。尼古拉还打算将TTSI派遣其TRE FCEV半卡车今年进行测试。

TTSI并不是唯一与尼古拉达成协议的公司。这家卡车制造商还收到了货运公司Heniff Transportation的订单,该公司同意购买10辆TRE BEV卡车。好用的买球外围app网站如果他们达到期望,该公司可能会购买90辆卡车。

尼古拉说,由于753 kWh的电池,TRE BEV的范围为350英里,总共645马力的最高速度为75 mph。尼古拉说,这辆卡车可以在两个小时内以240 kW的价格收取10%至80%的费用,并且总合计车辆重量为82,000磅。

对于这家基于凤凰的电车创业公司,这是艰难的一年之后朝着正确方向迈出的一步被控欺诈。由于这一发展,公司失去了交易借助通用汽车(GM),可以帮助建造尼古拉的皮卡车 - the。

Stellantis Van



Stellantis是由菲亚特·克莱斯勒汽车和法国PSA集团合并的去年成立的公司deal with Amazon to sell the company the Ram ProMaster2023年的交付货车。尽管斯泰兰蒂斯尚未正式透露电动货车,但预计亚马逊将成为最终进入生产的第一位商业客户。

In addition to the Ram ProMaster deal, Amazon and Stellantis also announced that the two would be working together为Stellantis的车辆阵容开发车内软件 - 包括Jeep Wagoneer和Grand Wagoneer。The deal will also allow Amazon to integrate its software into millions of vehicles. The two companies will also collaborate on software for the "digital cockpit" infotainment systems of Stellantis vehicles that will launch by 2024. And Stellantis will use Amazon’s Alexa technology for voice-controlled features, such as navigation, vehicle maintenance, ecommerce marketplaces and even payment services.





Since 2017, when Tesla unveiled its plans for the Tesla Semi, there has been immense anticipation for what the electric vehicle giant has in store for the heavy-duty transportation sector. And now, after delays over the last three years, Tesla Semi could be just around that corner after PepsiCo CEO Ramon Laguarta told CNBC thathis company would receive the Tesla Semi by the end of Q4 2021

这一声明对大多数人来说可能是一个惊喜,尤其是特斯拉及其首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对8级全电动卡车的正式发布日期相对保守,但是照片显示Megachargers准备安装,甚至有一些包装。The photos show several Semi Megachargers at PepsiCo’s Modesto, California, facility which are connected to a Megapack battery.



After commencing production of electric trucks in 2019, Volvo Trucks has six electric truck models as of early 2022. Image courtesy of Volvo


到2022年,沃尔沃(Volvo与DHL的合作伙伴关系, and another large order from Europe's largest shipping and logistics company.

The Swedish company is ready to start series production of its FH Electric, one of three new electric trucks joining its fleet. The electric FH has already been available to order for several months, and Volvo is positioning the truck as a workhorse in the field of regional and supra-regional transport — regardless of the climatic conditions of the respective location. In December, Volvo put theFH电气在极端冬季测试in the vicinity of the Arctic Circle in Sweden.



沃尔沃FM电动卡车可以用电荷行驶超过300英里,也将对减少排放量产生重大影响欧洲运输和物流公司DFDS下达了另外25 FM电子的订单,giving it a total of 125 heavy electric trucks from Volvo.

After commencing production of electric trucks in 2019, Volvo Trucks has six electric truck models and possesses重型卡车市场份额的25%在欧洲。

