

5 turning points that will shift the course of sustainability



This journey saved a week's worth of fuel by turning north rather than south through the Panama Canal. The Northwest Passage, hugging the indented coastline of Canada's far north, hitherto has been ice-bound even in summer and impassable to shipping. Warming seas and the retreat of Arctic ice is opening it up. It could become a major —虽然总是高风险 -运输路线未来几年。


2。A hamburger was created from lab-grown cow muscle cells and eaten during a live broadcast.


它也是一年的象征性,其中粮食安全进一步升级了议程和主流辩论似乎更为开放的替代解决方案:对城市农业有兴趣激增,联合国的粮食和农业组织发布了一份可能探索的报告角色吃昆虫— or鼻咽- 可以在喂养这个星球。


除了库克群岛等小人物的国家,截至2013年,墨西哥人均更肥胖比其他任何地方:32.8%的成年人都是肥胖的,而美国的31.8%是31.8%。这是三十年或饮食变化的高潮,以及肉类,脂肪,糖和盐的消耗增加。体重相关的糖尿病是墨西哥死亡原因 -虽然在全球经济中表现强劲的表现,但仍有一个GDP,这是美国的一小部分,面对普遍的贫困,必须应对营养不良。



It is hard to believe that in much of Europe in the 1970s, fewer than 10 percent of households had a phone. Fast-forward 40 years and sometime in late 2013, the number of mobile phones on the planet finally overtook the number of people. The growth in connectivity is an almost unambiguously positive development, and there is a frenzy of activity around how mobile technology and distributed networks can increase access to finance, education, information and a host of other things. For example, citizen sensor projects such as聪明的公民andSky Truthhave proliferated, allowing people to gather information that was once the preserve of governments or multinational corporations. The transformative potential for sustainability is huge.



China is at the heart of this shift. It may not be the world's largest economy in measured GDP yet, but it is already by far the world's biggest consumer of raw materials, according to a来自八月的UNEP报告,速度是美国的四倍,2012年Alibaba, China's leading e-commerce site, became the world's largest, dwarfing Amazon and eBay in sales revenue. In 2013, China made the first soft moon landing since 1976. Another year, another clutch of signals that China is the most important economy for the future of the world.


