

沃尔玛(纽约证券交易所:WMT)继续以其可持续发展计划的精致和规模为100,000多个供应商,超越了有机奶酪和鸡蛋的供应商,延伸到搅拌机,杂草和运动衫的制造商中,这些供应商超越了货架的制造商竞彩足球app怎么下载世界各地。现在,许多公司都拥有供应商的可持续性计划,但是很少有人使该竞彩足球app怎么下载计划成为运营中不可或缺的一部分。沃尔玛可持续发展总监杰夫·赖斯(Jeff Rice)与格林比斯(G竞彩足球app怎么下载reenbiz)讨论了沃尔玛(Walmart)如何运营其计划。该公司的经验教训(下面概述)适用于各种规模的公司的供应商计划。


Supplier scorecard programs at some companies are simply not integrated with operations. They are often run as silo programs from the sustainability office with little involvement from essential internal groups, such as buyers at retailers or product designers and supply chain managers at manufacturers. These less-effective programs typically have poor internal and external buy-in and adoption.


Even after data are collected, internal stakeholders often do not understand the benefits of the program or have the training or incentives to drive improvement. Sustainability is viewed as “yet another thing to do.”

The Walmart program for supplier sustainability

From the initial rollout of its supplier sustainability program, Walmart has aimed for broad scale, impact, and organizational buy-in. The program started with 15 basic questions for all its suppliers and is expanding to供应链记分卡上的100个针对特定类别的问题今年。

Unlike many other programs, Walmart suppliers receive specific feedback. Suppliers’ submittals are scored (the scale ranges from 1 to 100), and suppliers are ranked within a category (a rank of, say, 2 out of 7), but a supplier can’t see the ranking of competing suppliers.


Five keys to make supplier scorecards a part of core business






Buyers will have sustainability goals as part of their performance objectives and yearly review in 2013 (few retailers have gone this far), and Walmart awards a “Sustainable Buyer of the Year” in each business unit. Buyers will receive both recognition and financial incentives.

Supplier incentives will include external and internal acknowledgments, additional access to Walmart executives, and other items like special placement on e-commerce sites focused on sustainability leadership. Underachieving suppliers find themselves in a Walmart “family meeting” to work on specific improvements.

Right training, tools, and support

Awareness and motivation are only part of the mix needed for success. The correct type and level of training, tools, and support are vital. For buyers, Walmart is adding training about the sustainability program to existing buyer development and is rolling out “Buyer Tool Kits.” Buyers can access online tools, reports, and resources to help, all of which aim to make the program extremely relevant and simple for the buyer.



Make the scorecard program a part of existing business processes


Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate

Informally and repeatedly celebrating success is critical throughout the organization. Managers and buyers share short success stories in meetings, during internal town hall gatherings, and on company blogs.

Lessons for everyone

The scale and sophistication of the Walmart program is a competitive advantage, as it will take some rival retailers one to three years to gain internal management and process alignment to replicate this level of success.

Any firm with a sustainability supplier program, however, can use these lessons, even if a program is several questions for a handful of tier-one suppliers.
