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3个趋势从VERGE 18预测船队电气化

During my first VERGE conference in 2013, I attended a session called "Electrifying Fleets," where the discussion centered on the "compelling cost-saving opportunities" that fleet managers could anticipate from electric options. Since that time, fleet electrification has made significant progress, and that evolution was reinforced both during the latest VERGE event last month in Oakland, California, and by arecent GreenBiz research projectconducted in partnership with UPS.

Here are my top three takeaways about fleets from VERGE 18:

1. Fleets will follow the path of renewables

I spoke to Peter Harris, director of sustainability at UPS Europe, about the logistics and delivery company’s journey to expand its electric fleet in central London from 52 to 170 electric vehicles. He described the challenges, particularly regarding infrastructure upgrades to the local utility distribution network, and made a keen observation about the state of the fleet electrification market.

When asked if there was a turning point in the market for widespread fleet electrification, Harris said, "It’s definitely coming — there’s no question about the direction of travel. It’s a similar trajectory to what we’ve seen over the past decade with renewable energy technologies like wind and solar."

它一定会来 - 有没有关于行驶方向问题。这是一个类似的轨迹,这是我们看到在过去的十年中与风能,太阳能等可再生能源技术。
Beyond the parallels in technology improvements, fleet electrification likely will happen in waves based on the favorableness of market conditions. The states and regions with more aggressive policymaking, incentives and utility offerings will shift the economics of fleet electrification to improve the business case across a range of use cases.

在可再生能源产业,战斗过的联邦税收抵免和在州公共事业委员会诉讼屈指可数启动。但现在,可再生能源的经济性已经赢了,闸门打开. Most of the experts I interviewed anticipate a similar — if not even more expedient — shift across commercial fleets, largely based on battery technology improvements, subsequent vehicle cost declines and likely state and national policies worldwide.

2. Demand for electric trucks is rising


At VERGE 18,leadersfrom UPS, Walmart and companies such as Sysco shared lessons from their experiences in fleet electrification. The invite-only Fleet Electrification Summit during the event assembled 100 representatives from a diverse set of stakeholders including fleet managers, cities, utilities, OEMs, policymakers, service providers and NGOs.

Two factors that will be crucial for adoption: longer-term advocacy efforts and innovative financing to support the infrastructure investments required for the transition.


3.实用程序应该(will) be willing partners

One major difference between the adoption of renewables and the fleet electrification will be the role of the utility — many are already positioning themselves as key stakeholders in achieving scale for electric vehicles. In contrast, most utilities initially saw renewable energy as a threat to their business model.

From the perspective of most electric utilities, tangible benefits are associated with promoting electrification. With the proper regulatory structures in place, utilities can fund and potentially capitalize investments made in upgrading electric charging infrastructure. Furthermore, some utilities are advocating for "make ready" equipment installations that support plug-and-play models where customers more easily and affordably can connect to the power grid.

实际上,公用事业看到他们的最大利益,更是让车队电气化当他们能够做出的回报率固体他们的投资。在VERGE 18,实用程序,包括PG&E,锥形和一些规模较小的厂商表示,他们希望电动汽车将帮助他们提高电网的可靠性,同时为他们的客户提供有价值的服务。

How long will it take until we reach the tipping point in fleet electrification? What are the current use cases that make sense? What steps will be necessary to accelerate fleet electrification?

For answers to those questions and more, download the GreenBiz and UPS"Curve Ahead: The Future of Commercial Fleet Electrification" report.

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