
25 badass women shaking up the climate movement in 2020


“I never think I am doing enough," admitted Christiana Figueres, the Costa Rican diplomat who led the United Nations negotiations that yielded the historic Paris Agreement, during a New York interview in late February to mark the publication of her new book,“未来我们选择:生存的气候危机。”


Choking back tears, and pointing to her two daughters as her perennial inspiration, Figueres continued: "We’ve got to turn this around. There is no way that my generation can turn over the table without changing the trajectory. It is our solemn responsibility."

In her book, co-authored with her U.N. co-negotiator Tom Rivett-Carnac, Figueres urges readers to "let go of half-hearted attempts and instead act in proportion to the magnitude of the challenge." And while she may doubt herself, she is "stubbornly optimistic" that we have the brains and technology to turn things around during the next decade, provided we choose to act boldly and quickly. "I have confidence in the creativity and goodness of the human species," Figueres said.

不断上涨的挑战是谁?25个人on GreenBiz’s second "Badass Women" list, selected by the editorial team in honor of International Women’s Day, are inspiring action in their own unique ways — in boardrooms, through employee networks and political circles, and on farms and factory floors. This was a joyful process: We chose not to repeat those named on the first version and easily could have added 10 more names — a welcome boost of optimism.

When it comes to addressing the climate crisis, few people are more badass than Figueres — you actually can find her on thefirst editionalong with such other perpetual badasses as Apple Vice President Lisa Jackson and U.N. Global Compact Executive Director Lise Kingo. They’re in good company. Here’s this year’s list in its entirety.


Jane Ambachtsheer, Global Head of Sustainability, BNP Paribas Asset Management


为了衡量一个好方法一个公司如何认真认为战略是衡量员工如何补偿,遵循它。考虑到法国巴黎银行已经嵌入了CSR指标到激励计划其5000名高层管理人员 - 他们的指望总量的至少20%。


Last year, BNP shored up its leadership position among financial services companies by pledging to withdraw completely from investments in coal assets by 2040 globally, committing $1.12 billion to finance the "ecological transition" in the shipping sector by 2025 and stepping up the pressure for its portfolio companies to end deforestation.

“We have flipped from a place where managers needed to explainwhy他们对可持续投资是把这种集中到一个点现在在哪里经理将需要证明为什么他们不putting more focus on it,"她写的最后一年。“It has become a must-have."


Ezgi Barcenas, Global Vice President of Sustainability, Anheuser Busch InBev


A Vanderbilt University-educated biomedical and electric engineer — who also holds a master’s in environmental health from Harvard and an MBA from Chicago-Booth — Ezgi Barcenas joined the sustainability team at Anheuser Busch InBev four years ago. She quickly worked her way up to her global role as the executive responsible for managing its2025可竞彩足球app怎么下载持续发展战略


How to get there? Technology-enabled innovation, such as a system from AB InBev partner Sentera, which uses drones, weather satellites and mobile phone imagery for better agronomics data. Fittingly, Barcenas is also the lead on theAB InBev 100+ Accelerator program,帮助初创公司在解决方案,包括可追溯软件,气象数据分析和新的制造系统的工作。

Kate Brandt, Google“title=



亚马逊,苹果,谷歌和微软 - - 在四大科技公司的民间组织长期以来一直视为企业可持续发展作为创新和差异化的催化剂。竞彩足球app怎么下载由于这个原因谷歌的领先执行,凯特·勃兰特的跟踪记录强大

自从离开她的工作作为第一联邦CSO在2015年 - 她推出估计为纳税人节省超过十亿$ 18的能量削减 - 勃兰特已经把公司的分析,人工智能和投资力量来使用这个星球。她精心策划建立风能和太阳能农场(谷歌在九月工程the biggest corporate procurement ever) and recentlycreated an accelerator对于创业公司来说关注联合国可持续发展opment Goals.

对于她的下一个动作, Brandt is championing a“circular Google in a sustainable world."The key? Google’s analytics know-how: "An element of reaching a fully circular economy requires identifying, tracking and managing the overwhelming and globe-spanning swirl of materials," she wrote when she launched that mission in June.






Acting to address climate change is a core business issue, and Tiffany isn’t afraid to say that loudly and publicly,as it did in adsdirected to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison as wildfires raged across the country early this year.

“几十年来,我们的珠宝已灵感来自于大自然,”她是在解释GreenBiz 19 plenary session。“这么多的主题的,我们都来自大自然。而且,当然,所有我们使用手艺我们的首饰的材料是从地球来了。我们只是不会忽视这充分说明,气候变化科学。“

Tracing the provenance of gems, including diamonds, to ensure responsible mining and sourcing is a key concern and the company stopped using coral in its product more than a decade ago. Indeed, Tiffany’s work to support coral reefs and marine ecology for more than two decades is particularly notable — more than $25 million in conservation efforts that have helped protect more than 8 million square kilometers of ocean, an area roughly the size of the United States. Just in case she wasn't busy enough, Costa also volunteers her time to Conservation International, Philanthropy New York, the B Team and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

嘉人Marie Claire Daveu,开云集团“title=

Marie-Claire Daveu, CSO and Head of International Institutional Affairs, Kering


A longtime public servant with a specialty in agriculture engineering and the environment, Marie-Claire Daveu was once technical adviser to former French prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin. She has headed the fashion company’s sustainability and international affairs strategy since 2012.

In January, the company behind brands such as Gucci, Saint Laurent and Stella McCartney reported its environmental, profit and loss metrics as part of its annual financials: It’s on track to reduce "overall environmental impacts" 40 percent by 2025. Kering uses renewable electricity to cover 67 percent of its global energy needs, purchases 100 percent of the gold for its watches and jewelry from responsible sources, and expects to reach 100 percent sustainable sourcing for all raw materials within five years.

“Of course we don’t say we’re perfect and everything is right … we have to try to do our best," Daveu says inher profileon a fashion industry’s who’s-who list. "It means we are the best, but each day each one can change something."

Like other CPG brands, Kering is looking for ways to ensure that shoppers understand the potential impact of the apparel and consumer products they buy. In October, Daveu held a黑客马拉松to encourage the creation of apps that leverage its own digital groundbreaking platform,我的EP&L应用, which designers and fashion students use to integrate sustainability into their designs.


Francesca DeBiase, Executive Vice President, Chief Supply Chain and Sustainability Officer, McDonald’s


第一个人在她的意大利移民家庭获得大学学位,弗朗西斯DeBiase承担了餐饮公司的气候变化减少,动物福利和可持续的食品包装方案的责任在2015年9月 - 在她现有的供应链采购议程的首位。

“I think being able to have the accountability for supply chain … can help internally with the credibility to get things done in all five of the pillars across the business (food, sourcing, planet, people and community)," shetold GreenBiz

虽然麦当劳的肉类采购和动物福利工作始于十年前,该公司在2019年进行了首次美国进军可再生能源采购 - 迅速跳入餐饮企业之中容量的两层。注意它与程序实验,以消除塑料包装(因为它没有在Berlin location in August),并用新的方式来使用它的废物,如最近交易提供福特与咖啡在美国担任谷壳的“显著部分”。福特正在转弯的是复合成前照灯外壳和其它汽车零件。




IBM’s legacy of leadership on environmental issues reachesclose to 50 years, when it moved to eliminate polychlorinated biphenyls from its products during the 1970s. For the past two decades, chemical engineer Edan Dionne — educated at Michigan State University — has been at the center of the technology giant’s strategy, working on everything from materials management to water conservation to energy efficiency.

Data is central to the direction of IBM’s sustainability initiatives, not just to make its products and services ever more efficient but to create new solutions that help companies and communities measure their own impact. A particular focus for the next two years: using its internet of things, data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies to address the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, particularly water. One project that is making waves:A collaboration in Kenya使用IBM cloud服务更好地管理清洁窟er access for more than 3 million people.

“We believe in technology for good, and we believe public-private partnerships can play a critical role toward achieving environmental sustainability," Dionne said in a日采访

Suzanne Fallender, Intel“title=

Suzanne Fallender, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Intel




在音乐,政治学和市场营销教育,Fallender赢得了她的MBA学位,亚利桑那州立大学。在过去的两年里,她已经帮助英特尔将环境,社会和治理问题纳入其年度报告,10-K和代理声明,并扩大他们对财务业绩的影响的讨论。在最新的亮点:90%的英特尔的非危险废物被回收,它的顺利开展,以满足恢复的100%的目标water it uses到2025年。

Rhiana Gunn-Wright“title=

Rhiana冈恩 - 赖特,前政策主管,新的共识;“绿色新政”的合着者


New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be the most vocal champion of绿色新政但Rhiana葛恩 - 怀特的名字列在第一位作为一个经济提案的两位合着者。

Released by think tank New Consensus, the Green New Deal outlines sweeping investments aimed at tackling climate change and promoting justice and equity across the U.S. For the Oxford-educated Gunn-Wright, who was an intern to former First Lady Michelle Obama while earning her master’s in philosophy, environmental justice is key to combating systemic racism across America.

“All of my power analysis comes from black feminism,"她告诉根在十二月。“其中一个我做的事情是经常思考的不仅谁是大集团的政策建议,但什么是他们的子群,什么是对他们问题的根源。”


Eunice Heath, Corporate Director of Sustainability, Dow



她有一个大的工作,包括帮助教育和可持续发展搞陶氏的36500名员工。竞彩足球app怎么下载“随着我们接下来的一系列可持续发展的目标,我竞彩足球app怎么下载们的道指2025的目标......这真的把我们带到一个整体的其他水平增强企业和社会的作用,这意味着我们的员工真的需要了解如何思考不同的方面,如何做more creative, how to be courageous in some of the decisions that we’ll have to make,"she told me in early 2019.

Among other things, Heath is credited with developing a STEM education effort that eventually evolved into a global initiative that has sponsored training for more than 2,500 under-represented students. She has also been involved in numerous internal and external networks including an inclusion benchmarking team for Dow’s CEO, and Project Lead the Way, a national STEM organization.

Virginie Helias, P&G“title=



记住所有那些2020个目标通过大规模的跨国公司设置?宝洁遇到了它的清单,其中包括16%的绝对减少温室气体排放和减少在过去十年中制造用水使用。现在,CPG巨头必须加紧野心,P&G CSO维吉尼Helias,谁认为标题在七月到2016年,在二月下旬注意。

In particular, watch for P&G to reward employees that bring circular economy practices into product design and production and to continue prioritizing recyclable and reusable packaging, as it’s doing as one of the launch brands for。“2020 is a year where action — collaborative action — will put us on the right trajectory," Helias said.

Helias, an expert marketing strategist who has been with P&G for more than three decades, was one of the first to use sustainability as a brand differentiator with consumers and she advises sustainable fashion startupAppareal。她是怎样降落她现在的工作?她游说P&G公司的C-套件,八年前创建自己的全球可持续发展的作用,是该公司的自我描述竞彩足球app怎么下载“chief agitator officer."


Diane Hoskins, Co-CEO and Chairwoman, Gensler


Gensler is a formidable force in sustainable, regenerative building design with more than 110 million square feet of LEED-certified projects. Diane Hoskins, who has shared the CEO title for 15 years, doesn’t think that’s ambitious enough when you consider the company designs 1.25 billion square feet annually.

In September, Hoskins — a member of the WEF's council on cities and urbanization — issued a challenge to the entire industry: Eliminate all greenhouse gases associated with the built environment, which accounts for at least 40 percent of global emissions. For Gensler alone, that’s a savings of more than 21.5 million metric tons of CO2 annually.





万事达公司的第一任首席可持续发展官加入全球支付公司竞彩足球app怎么下载三年左右的时间超过二十年与IBM后多前,她的来往营销和会计度南方卫理公会大学的销售额,成为在2013年企业社会责任的领导者之前,市场营销职位。她的一个目标之一at Mastercard is to integrate ESG concerns across the company as a catalyst for innovation.



Katrin Ley, Fashion for Good“title=




莱伊拥有通过阿迪达斯在可持续的方式背景和影响力投资的丰富经验,为她的角色的关键技能。由C&A基金会(现Laudes基金会的一部分)创立,时尚为善资助初创公司 - 从这些解决材料可追溯性recommerce企业,以努力消除塑料袋科学家。数据显示投资机会for related innovation can total an annual $20 billion.

Fashion for Good is also backing pilot projects aimed at setting standards for best practices with corporate partners such as Adidas, Kering, PVH and Zalando. One of Ley’s newest initiatives: a focus on South Asia, where many garments are made.

Stella Li, Byd“title=



上月末,洛杉矶置于最大购买电动车的美国历史 - 几乎所有城市的155车的订单将通过中国最大的电动汽车公司,比亚迪提供。披露在购买时,站在旁边市长艾瑞克·嘎塞提被斯特拉李,比亚迪的北美分部的总裁及电气化事业的一个非常明显的支持者。



Mindy Lubber, Ceres“title=

Mindy Lubber, President and CEO, Ceres


A lawyer by training, Ceres CEO Mindy Lubber is an expert on how climate risks such as water scarcity, flooding, sea level rises and pollution affect shareholder value, and she regularly argues that case on behalf of investors. That advocacy is well-timed, as big institutional investors such as BlackRock and pension funds, including the mighty California Public Employees Retirement System, make climate risk part of their investment decisions.

“Ten years ago, when we talked about sustainability in a boardroom, it was a sidebar," she said during a GreenBiz 20 plenary session. "Now nobody’s rolling their eyes when we say we’re there to talk about sustainability."

Before joining Ceres, Lubber held positions in government, financial services and the nonprofit sector. She was an Environmental Protection Agency administrator under President Bill Clinton, responsible for the New England regional office.


Nancy Mahon, Senior Vice President, Global Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability, The Estée Lauder Companies


Last fall, Estée Lauder Companies became the first cosmetics manufacturer to sign a virtual power purchase agreement in pursuit of its 2020 net-zero carbon emission goal —合同在俄克拉荷马州的一个风力发电场将覆盖超过该公司的全球用电量的一半。

It’s the latest in a series of new initiatives introduced by Nancy Mahon, who studied law at Yale and New York University, since she moved over from a philanthropic role at MAC Cosmetics six years ago. During that time, her team has launched innovative recycling options and taken a leadership position within the industry.


“At Estée Lauder Companies, we believe that the answers to complex community issues that exist within global supply chains usually lie within the communities themselves and that we as [a] business must stop, listen and learn to make the change that is truly meaningful and sustainable," Mahon said last year at一个联合国颁奖典礼纽约气候周期间。


Yolanda Malone, Vice President of Global Snacks Packaging, PepsiCo


The rising star in PepsiCo’s snack food division was behind the food and beverage company’s push to create an ongoing training and certification program for its packaging designers meant, among other things, to让他们重新思考材料选择和再利用。她是2019第一推动者同胞为阿斯本研究所的计划承认的一部分“企业社会内部企业家”。

PepsiCo’s corporate goal is to ensure that其包装的100%至可回收利用,可堆肥或可生物降解的到2025年。While much of the chatter around that commitment has centered on the billions of plastic bottles it produces on an annual basis, the maker of Frito-Lay and Dorito’s is also testing industrially compostable thin-film packaging for its snacks, developed in collaboration with Danimer Scientific.

Malone, who has been with PepsiCo for almost a decade, was educated as a packaging engineer at Michigan State University, and she previously worked at ConAgra Foods and Nabisco.

Rebecca Marmot, Unilever“title=



Rebecca Marmot has been at the center of the British-Dutch consumer goods company’s sustainability and CSR strategy since before Unilever’s groundbreaking Sustainable Living plan launched in 2010, calling for sweeping changes in how it sourced and manufactured everything from mayonnaise to home and personal care products.

Although Marmot has been the chief sustainability officer for less than a year, she created the company’s first foundation. She also has been the lead on many of Unilever’s external partnerships aimed at addressing climate change, including the U.N. Global Compact, and was tapped last year for an英国独立工作小组established by the government to address climate impacts from global palm oil, soy and beef supply chains.

This year,Marmot is pivoting要在新联合利华首席执行官Alan普里吉奥尼三个方面优先考虑:加强可持续发展和商业成功之间的联系;竞彩足球app怎么下载嵌入可持续性考虑更深竞彩足球app怎么下载入地进入企业的品牌;并庆祝多样性。





去年,LGIM削减五个公司从$ 6.48十亿道德投资基金组合,因为他们要解决他们的业务和相关的气候风险的碳强度太慢:埃克森美孚公司;大都会人寿;克罗格;荷美尔食品;与韩国电力。它这样做后管理这些公司的广泛的讨论没有取得结果,近江told The Guardian。The decision to divest is part of the气候影响服务承诺通过她的团队撰写。


Lena Pripp-Kovac, IKEA“title=

Lena Pripp-Kovac, CSO, Inter IKEA Group


In fiscal year 2019, home goods and furnishings retailer IKEA pulled off an enviable feat: It managed to shrink its carbon footprint by 4.3 percent in absolute terms while growing sales by 6.5 percent. Sustainability lead Lena Pripp-Kovac notes that it’s an important step in IKEA’srecently declared quest to become "climate positive."“This is good news, especially since we know that we need to do so much more to reach our commitments for 2030," she said.

这些野心能激发$ 2.2亿的投资更多的清洁电力(包括船舶运输其产品可持续生物燃料),植树造林和森林保护在2030年之前。

对于Pripp - 科瓦奇,谁曾在戴尔和Marks&Spencer公司,工作的中心议程继续宜家推嵌入循环经济的原则融入产品的设计,制造和销售流程。手机app买球靠谱吗它消除了所有月份一次性使用的塑料制品,并接近其纺织聚酯的60%来自回收的来源。

Pripp-Kovac’s team has encouraged experiments with rental models that redefine the concept of ownership.“如果你想创造新的东西,你必须要了解的可能性变乐观,但挑战非常艰巨,”她在说interview in September

Jeannie Renne-Malone, VF“title=

Jeannie Renne-Malone, Vice President, Global Sustainability, VF Corporation


VF Corporation in late February closed its inaugural green bond worth roughly $557 million, a first for the apparel and footwear sector. The proceeds are designated for VF’s ongoing work in reducing the impact of key materials and to support itsnew science-based targetsannounced in December, including a push to commercialize circular business models.

“Elevating our focus on, and investment in, circular and sustainability projects allows us to leverage our scale for good and achieve our ambitious SBTs," noted Jeannie Renne-Malone, the VF sustainability lead who helped organize the offering.

Renne-Malone joined VF in September, after five years as vice president of sustainability at real estate company Prologis. There, she was responsible for developing a strategy and solar-rooftop program that turned the company into one of the top five corporate solar owners in the United States. In her new role, she’s at the center of its public policy, science-based targets and circular economyexperiments by its brandsincludingNapapijri,天伯伦,货车和The North Face

“How we create our products is just as important as what we produce," Renne-Malonesaid last fall。“WIth every decision, we ask ourselves, ‘Will this positively impact people or the planet?’ If the answer is yes, we’ll move it forward. However, if the answer is no, it’s a hard stop."

Gayle Schueller, 3M“title=

Gayle Schueller, CSO, 3M


With degrees in physics and materials sciences, Gayle Schueller is not your typical sustainability chief. Before assuming her current role about two years ago, she led 3M’s growth and commercialization initiatives and ran the $33 billion company’s Mexican business unit.

Today, she’s responsible for upholding the diversified manufacturer’s pledge to require a“sustainability value commitment"for all new products. The policy took effect in 2019 and applies to the roughly $2 billion the maker of Post-its spends on research and development annually — and the 1,000 products it introduces.

舒莱尔有很多专注于:3M公司所犯的错误。一旦它的消防泡沫和地毯的治疗中使用的含氟表面活性剂也引发了诉讼,并于去年3M付费亿$ 850定居饮用水有关PFAS污染诉讼。

But she’s tackling these and other issues, notably how it uses plastics in both products and packaging, head-on. Two significant portfolios 3M is already addressing: Scotch-Brite heavy-duty sponges, now made entirely from recycled fiber, and Thinsulate Featherless insulation, a down replacement made from plastic bottles.




The outspoken feminist, critic of genetically modified organisms and advocate of small-holder farmers is well-known in agricultural circles — there was even a她的名字命名的素食口红在西班牙。

Over the past three decades, the controversial Indian scholar and quantum physicist has established several organizations to promote native seeds, organic farming and fair trade: the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology; theEarth Universityfor biodiversity; andNavdanya, which advocates her core beliefs.

湿婆在粮食主权和农业可持续发展的原则,已培训超过90万周的农民 - 这件工作,她获得了正确的生计奖,并被命名为“环境英雄”时代杂志。她的农业产业化的激烈批评的书籍,如“绿色革命的暴力”和铰接“心灵的单一栽培。”

“Only a living Earth and our work in harmony with it give us the option of removing the past damage, by nourishing the soil, by conserving biodiversity and breeding the seeds that feed us and our extended family," Shivasaid last year。“Biodiversity is the only way to control pests and weeds without pesticides and herbicides."




As the biggest public pension fund in the U.S., CalPERS is increasingly focused on its exposure to climate-related risks. In December,该基金finally put a number on什么是危机: at least one-fifth of the $383 billion fund’s investments面对高曝光, especially utilities. Anne Simpson has been driving that governance from the executive suite for two years, after a decade crafting its ESG strategy.

她还参与创建气候行动100+,投资者的倡议,旨在按全球100家“系统重要性排放”应对气候变化 - 在董事会层面,与高管薪酬,并通过具体的减排计划。截至11月,下了功夫管理占340000亿$的资产。

“This money belongs to the ordinary, working people in communities around the world," she said in apresentation in late 2019。“钱在银行、养老基金和insurance companies is part of the common wealth. The wealth of the commons. And we need to start thinking about financial services as a service, something which serves the real economy."

Simpson is also a vocal advocate of the ESG cause within the Securities Exchange Commission, where she serves on the investor advisory committee, as well as on the leadership council for the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights. She has authored two related books, "The Greening of Global Investment" and "Fair Shares: The Future of Shareholder Power and Responsibility."
