
21 solutions to make our economy more circular



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The year 2022 marks an important anniversary: 50 years ago, Club of Rome published the first report on "The Limits to Growth," issuing a clear warning about the risk of collapse of an economy and a society based on infinite growth. Unfortunately, this warning has remained largely unheeded, given that since then, annual resource consumption has quadrupled, rising from 28 billion tons in 1972 to over 100 billion tons today.

同时,循环经济已经开始出现在全球场景中,最手机app买球靠谱吗初仅是一种令人回味的愿景,然后是改变系统的具体可能性,如今,它已成为一个几乎是主流概念。但是,正如圆形差距报告指出的那样,它已经成为常态还有很长的路要走。然而,历史时刻似乎很有利:“在COP26的紧随其后,商业和公众对气候行动的兴趣都很高,”作者在引言中写道,循环经济的工具可能证明是对抗反对的基础手机app买球靠谱吗全球暖化。尽管这个话题几乎总是没有气候会议, it is precisely the processes of extraction, processing, consumption and disposal of materials that emit most greenhouse gases: 70 percent. By drastically reducing the exploitation of virgin raw materials, the circular economy, as stated in the report, could then cut carbon emissions by as much as 39 percent, putting the world back on track to contain temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Too many people are still convinced that they can solve the environmental crisis simply by waiting for the arrival of some new green technology.

21 solutions and a digital tool

With no good news to offer on the front of improving the global circularity rate, the Circle Economy team then came up with a few practical solutions: 21 of them, to be precise. After providing an overview of how much we consume and how little we save, repair, share, reuse and recycle, the report methodically divides the economic system into seven areas that correspond to the needs and wants of society: home; food; mobility; consumables; services; healthcare; communication. For each area, it identifies possible measures towards greater circularity and efficiency, according to four basic principles: use fewer resources; make them last longer; regenerate; recycle.

该报告在新手机app买球靠谱吗闻发布会上与马克·德·威特(Marc de Wit)的共同作者Laxmi Adrianna Haigh解释说:“因此,循环经济成为满足全球社会需求的工具。”

Just a quick glance at the 21 solutions suggested is enough to see that those with the greatest potential for reducing emissions and resource consumption concern two areas in particular:housingandtransport。延长车辆的使用寿命,使用圆形建筑材料改用共享的移动性模型,最重要的是,通过生活在较小,更高效的房屋中,降低土地消耗是迄今为止最有效的解决方案,对环境产生了最大的积极影响。但是,这些建议自然扩展到从产品设计到农业到日常饮食的每个领域。正如罗马俱乐部名誉主席兼气候 - 基克主席安德斯·维克曼(Anders Wijkman)在演讲中提醒的那样:“太多的人仍然坚信他们可以通过等待一些新的绿色技术来解决环境危机。但这就是这样。还不够:我们现在需要的是一种生活方式转变。”

循环差距报告计划的负责人马修·弗雷泽(Matthew Fraser)强调:“必须在全球范围内进行的循环转变。”“这就是为什么我们同意创建一种数字工具来帮助循环过渡的企业,城市和国家的数字工具。”该新工具将于4月正式揭幕,以解决日益增长的需求metrics to assess the circular economy它的实际影响及其不仅带给环境,而且给社会带来的好处。这就是甘巴特(Ganbatte),这是一种日本的鼓励,意思是“来吧!让我们卷起袖子!”这是一项真正的行动计划,将为公司,行政部门和政府提供探索现有解决方案,衡量自己的绩效,然后最终卷起袖子并开始工作。

Obstacles and prospects for a global circular economy




For Elisa Tonda, head of UNEP's Consumption and Production Unit, a major limitation is the lack of integration between the various initiatives: "In my field of work, I still see many good but isolated or sector-specific projects that are not integrated into government programs. There are also too many ‘voluntary’ commitments and too few binding resolutions."

对于循环经济的创始父亲沃尔特·斯塔赫尔(Walter Stahel)来说,我们还必须谨慎对待手机app买球靠谱吗良好的意图:“必须避免资源密集型技术。举例来说,电动汽车平均比传统的技术重50%。我们需要学会开箱即用,考虑完全不同的技术。”

As for the future prospects for the circular economy, Stahel summarizes them in one word: sufficiency. "Even more than efficiency, we must aim for sufficiency," he explains. "Instead of producing more things, we must maximize the use of existing ones. The economy must find strategies to earn with less products." Finally, for Tonda, it will also be fundamental to change the way in which the circular economy is viewed: "The circular transition must be included in discussions on the climate, on the loss ofbiodiversity, on pollution. We need to learn to look at it for what it is: a cross-sectorial theme."


Renewable Matter
