

Silhouette staff works as a team to prepare to welcome the new year 2020



It was the year when hydrogen fueled and battery operated planes took to the skies. The year when实验室生长的肉击中了市场并销售植物的产品飙升。可再生能源设定多个记录和电动汽车的年度赶到市场。

In the United Kingdom, it was the year when the carbon target for 2030 was strengthened. The year when billions of pounds were earmarked for low carbon infrastructure and overseas fossil fuel financing was halted. The year when every politician talked of green recovery and the unerring economic and moral logic of the net zero transition — and the public agreed with them.




Because if emissions did peak in 2019, if political and corporate leaders fully embraced the need for credible and ambitious climate action, if oil suddenly looked like a high risk legacy fuel, it was in large part because we were surrounded by death and destruction.






But as I在危机开始时争论这些,这些收益都没有感到根深蒂固,他们绝不会弥补我们所有人都必须忍受的悲伤,混乱和孤独。一个希望当大流行首次袭来时,它会教会政府的宝贵课程,当面对复杂,多方面,严重和指数威胁时,最好的行动方案是让一切促使它尽可能快地或违规风险不堪重负。该理论是学习的经验教训可以有效地应用于气候危机,不作为类似惩罚,滞后时间和不确定的情景意味着早期措施,预防原则的精明应用往往会得到回报。But, in the U.K. at least, we are almost a year into the pandemic and as the death toll passes 60,000 and a new strain of the virus threatens to inundate health services, the prime minister is still failing to apply these simple lessons to the coronavirus itself, let alone absorb them for tackling other longer term threats.



The net result was five years of going round in circles, a period when every good intention or decisive step forward was swiftly followed by a bout of tribalism, incompetence or outright corruption. When the promise of finally sorting out environmentally destructive farming subsidies had to be delivered in tandem with tailbacks at the border and the poisoning of relations with our closest neighbors. When demand for electric vehicles rose alongside demand for SUVs. When every renewables development seemed to come with a new runway.


在她的大流行上的辉煌文章中,novelist Zadie Smith startedby quoting that rarest of things, a moment of honesty from Trump. "I wish we could have our old life back," he said. "We had the greatest economy that we've ever had, and we didn't have death." It may have been expressed with characteristic clumsiness, but the president surely spoke for billions of people. Polls may show that most of the population worldwide want no truck with a return to "normality," but our understanding of human nature says different.

In climate change, humanity faces arguably the biggest collective problem it has ever faced. If the biggest lesson that we take from 2020 is that it's possible to work from home 2 days a week, then we have fallen short.


The big fear is not that people embrace the opportunities for reconnection that vaccines would bring — who could possibly blame them — and environmentalists should be very wary of conforming to the finger-wagging killjoy cliché as consumerism and travel inevitably come roaring back. No, the concern is that at the macro level the opportunity to "build back better" is squandered. That political and business leaders repeat the mistakes of 2008 and duck the structural reforms that are so urgently required if the 2020s really are to be defined by the turbocharged decarbonization of the global economy. As Mance concluded: "Normality is something to strive for; it is also something to regret. We have no reason to think this will be the last pandemic of our lifetimes. In climate change, humanity faces arguably the biggest collective problem it has ever faced. If the biggest lesson that we take from 2020 is that it's possible to work from home two days a week, then we have fallen short."

恢复不可持续的“正常”的诱惑将到处都是,特别是作为清洁技术革命的下一阶段 - EVS,热泵和绿色建筑改造 - 需要更大的投资和对人们日常生活中断。太多政府已经达成了熟悉的碳化刺激措施,以恢复锁定的经济体。其他人已经证明了政治神经和管理能力的持续缺乏,这对净零过渡至关重要,这将通过致命地捆绑对病毒和傲慢解雇指数风险的响应来造成对集体行动的信任。一个政府,无法让自己冒昧地劝告公共卫生规则或与人们与圣诞节旅行相关的健康风险,直到火车门票的健康风险突发,并且命令的火鸡不太可能突然发现避免所需的骨干和沟通技巧政治雷区等待净零转型加速。


Which is why the alternative history of 2020 is so immensely important. Because during a year when many within the green economy feared the global health crisis would distract from the effort to tackle the climate crisis, precisely the opposite has happened. Progress has not just been made, it has accelerated. The pursuit of complete decarbonization and full spectrum climate action has been normalized like never before. There remains a big gap between ambition and action, and countless challenges and hypocrisies remain. But millions of businesses, investors, governments and individuals used the start of a new decade dominated by tragedy to publicly select the path that leads to a cleaner, healthier, more prosperous net-zero emission future. 2021 offers the chance to not just cement those gains, but build on them. A better history awaits, if enough people want it.

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