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Talent Show




At GreenBiz 22 last month in Scottsdale, Arizona, the halls and conference rooms were abuzz: For many, it was our first in-person event in two years. How wonderful to reconnect with our colleagues and peers! What a marvel to see whole bodies — and professional work attire!





  1. Focus on impact:根据麦肯锡的说法,作为大辞职的一部分离开工作的许多人都在寻找一种“重新和修订的目的感”。这与可持续性专业人员特别相关。竞彩足球app怎么下载我们之所以做这项工作,是因为我们想有所作为。需要明确的是,薪水很重要(见下文),但是除此之外,员工想知道他们的工作将如何促进对重要问题的影响。经理应注意与他们的团队和潜在员工交谈,以了解该公司可以做些什么来最大程度地支持他们,从而产生更多的影响。
  2. 向他们展示钱:Traditionally candidates could expect a 5-10 percent boost in changing jobs; 20 percent was a big boost. Today I have witnessed candidates getting offers at 2x what they were earning previously. But remember that salary isn’t everything.
  3. 给他们一个更好的标题:Moving up is a goal, whether from manager to director, director to vice president or vice president to chief sustainability officer. Companies that want to retain talent should create clear career pathways.
  4. 缩小员工与首席执行官之间的差距:People want to be close to decision-making power — that’s where real impact can happen. My latestCSO研究revealed that while CSOs are not quite as close as they once were to the CEO, nearly 70 percent of CSOs said they meet with their CEO fairly regularly. If it’s not possible to rejigger your org chart, consider organizing regular meetings that give your team leaders an audience with the CEO.
  5. 扩大领导机会:There are many ways for sustainability people to lead at a company: They can sit on the board’s sustainability council, take part in a leadership team focused on a particular issue (climate, innovation, future of work) or they can take the reins on discrete opportunities, such as a campaign to engage employees in the company’s sustainability initiatives.
  6. Keep it fresh:工作已经变得陈旧。远程工作可能是孤独的,没有旅行和有限的面对面活动。寻求新颖性是人性。经理应该考虑如何创造增长机会,并使员工有机会建立新事物或探索自己设计的新想法。
  7. 创造一种灵活的工作文化:During the pandemic, the savviest employers understood that work should flex around people’s lives — especially during a crisis. Now that employers are calling workers back to the office, employees are worried they may lose their freedom. Talk to your team about what kind of flexibility they need to achieve their personal and professional aspirations, whether it’s about where they work (remote work), when they work (flexible or reduced hours) or how they work (meeting-free days).
  8. 增强您的利益:大流行强调了美国社会安全网的脆弱性。美国政府在病假时间,护理时间或只是休息的情况下没有提供任何类型的带薪休假。考虑在工作以外响应员工需求的好处。他们需要什么才能过上更好的生活?一些雇主的心理健康支持增加了,另一些雇主则增加了对护理人员的支持,为紧急育儿提供了经济援助,并给了雇员照顾儿童,长老甚至是有需要的亲密朋友的带薪休假。
  9. 培养深层包容:员工需要感受到工作中的归属感,但是现代的工作场所结构和系统仍使某些群体边缘化,尤其是有色人种。就像我的那样书面before, a lack of belonging is among the three main reasons people quit their jobs.可持续性的多样性竞彩足球app怎么下载是一个多样化的可持续性专业人员网络,突出了归属竞彩足球app怎么下载的障碍,以及公司可以采取的措施来帮助所有员工感到安全,使自己的全部自我上班。
  10. 投资您的老板:管理人员对直接报告有重大影响,但是许多经理在没有适当培训的情况下扮演角色。在工作中的关系,如果您希望员工成长和学习,请先为老板提供更好的经理的技能和策略。

