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Imagine a space where you feel good. Muscles relax, breathing is deeper. There is a natural feeling of gratitude and calm. Does this space lead to more positive interactions with others? Does it bring out the best in you?

Hospitals have a mission to help the elderly and the weak, but don't always walk the walk. Cancer is treated, but hazardous chemicals are found in cleaning products and furniture. Heart conditions are taken care of, but French fries and burgers are served in the cafeteria. There's a global climate-change crisis, yet hospitals are the任何部门的第二高能源消费者每天每张床产生超过30磅的废物。

Health care is in conflict with itself — in some ways, it's its own worst enemy. A sound treatment protocol has to be balanced with资源保护和管理。Here are 10 reasons to practice a better approach.

1. Human health and the environment

Climate change impacts public health, yet most facilities aren't ready to say it out loud. Hospitals cannot get in balance without a top-down stewardship strategy that aligns with the organization's goals, as a handful of hospitals have started to prove.

Wisconsin-based hospital systemThedacare例如,建立了“可持续性领导者”职位,并主持了气候和健竞彩足球app怎么下载康研讨会,以教育员工有关环境行动和教育的教育。它是GreenHealth实践的成员,已签署了所有六个挑战Healthier Hospitals Initiative(HHI), a national campaign to improve sustainability in the health-care sector.

Tenet Healthalso incorporates sustainability initiatives. ItsSustainability Report展示了一种全系统的方法,以改善健康,并展示如何在地方一级纳入该策略。Advocate Healthcare同时,突出了进步自己实现环境目标的进步Sustainability Report

2. Prevention

We've moved beyond the notion of merely treating disease and toward prevention and wellness, with several pioneering programs leading the way.Magee Womens Hospital of UPMC例如,,通过产前阶级教父母关于人类健康与环境之间的联系婴儿步骤绿色育儿“程序(下面的视频)。

With a large number of chronic diseases linked to diet, hospitals are also increasingly implementing sustainable food policies. They are signing没有伤害的医疗保健'Healthy Food Pledge并通过增加素食选择,减少糖粉饮料以及更多本地采购的水果和蔬菜来对更好的行为进行建模。通过HHI,医院及其食品服务伙伴正在共同努力,以确定更健康的食品系统的障碍,增加营养选择并促进改善购买的同时维持成本。这一运动中的一位领导者是弗莱彻·艾伦在佛蒙特州购买当地的有机蔬菜,糖浆,奶酪等


Extending the life of equipment, improving efficiency, preventing toxins and waste, using less energy and water — these activities reduce costs. South Carolina'sBon Secours St. Francis Health Systemwas the first hospital in the state to receive Energy Star designation when it reduced energy use by 20 percent through the development of the Ecological Stewardship Plan, resulting in annual energy-cost savings of $850,000. As a sponsor of the Healthier Hospitals Initiative, it shares winning solutions to help others do the same.

4. Employee engagement

从事他们所做工作的工人将为更满意的患者提供更好的护理。纽约市的纽约长老会医院通过绿色冠军计划, which empowers environmental leaders and supports action through checklists and activities shared by Harvard University's绿色办公室资源绿叶计划。同时,倡导医疗保健庆祝Environmental Stewardship Winners在一段视频中,该视频强调并授权员工在工作中进行健康的改变。

5. Competitive advantage

在今年Institute for Health Care Improvementannual conference, co-founder Don Berwick shared in his keynote that environmental stewardship has redefined the three-pronged framework for quality health care — patient experience, cost per capita and population health.

"Hospitals, places of healing, can model healthier behavior," Dr. Berwick said. "Leaders that integrate environmentally sustainable operations at their facilities create a culture of nurturing and demonstrate sincere commitment to all people." Yet not all leaders get this — indeed, 50 percent of health-care workers are unsatisfied with their leadership, largely because they want to feel cared for and don't feel this is happening.

6. Mission and ethics

What is the value of long-term success if it's on an uninhabitable planet?When framing environmental stewardship activities, it helps to review a hospital's mission statement. Most of these focus on health and healing, communities, quality and safety. Some hospitals have created environmental charters to frame their commitment.

罗纳德·P·哈默尔(Ronald P. Hamel)博士,伦理高级主任Catholic Health Association,解释道德在医疗保健中的关键作用。他说:“道德不仅是帮助塑造组织文化的核心,而且在指导组织的决策,行为和正直方面是核心。”“道德应该协助组织成为身份,性格和文化的声称。自我提出和狭窄的意识是道德的伟大对手之一。”

7. Marketing and PR

Practice Greenhealth, the nonprofit where I work, hosts the health sector'sEnvironmental Excellence Awards。这些为医院,长期护理设施和社区卫生中心提供了机会,并获得了积极数据及其背后的故事的认可。申请导致可持续性基准报告和年度会议庆祝活动,竞彩足球app怎么下载干净。加州大学戴维斯分校卫生系统是一个设施的一个例子,该设施分享了其对官方的承诺的详细信息web page and blog

8. Community benefits

The Affordable Care Act需要非营利性医院进行社区需求评估并制定实施策略以满足确定的需求。此外,内部收入要求免税医院记录其社区福利和社区建设活动。


从历史上看,Kaiser Permanente将环境管理活动纳入其社区福利报告。在2013年,通过将社区福利报告整合到它的年度报告。Along with尊严健康,Kaiser Permanente是正式报告健康计划的早期采用者。尊严健康与谷神星and is the first system to use theGlobal Reporting Initiative报告框架。


Aquality patient experience超越临床卓越。使人们感到压力减轻和照顾的环境 - 眼睛看来,一个关怀的对话 - 很难量化,但对于康复过程也很重要。


Happiness comes from helping others. Protecting the planet, even in small ways, is something that takes healing beyond the facility walls.


Medicine photo byNomad_Soulvia Shutterstock
